Finding Sweetness (Sweet series)

Free Finding Sweetness (Sweet series) by Rika Lewis

Book: Finding Sweetness (Sweet series) by Rika Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rika Lewis
of work into the yard I just wanted to thank you by making you a meal… she let the sentence drop off. Shrugging her shoulders she turned and opened the door to her Altima climbed in and shut the door. She was hurt a little bit. It was stupid of her to think that he would automatically accept her offer to join her for dinner just because he had flirted with her a little bit. Maybe he had a girlfriend, but if he did why didn’t he just say that. No… it had to be something else. Oh well she didn’t have the time or the energy to figure out what it was. She was on vacation and she wasn’t about to play twenty questions with him to find out. She started the car and pulled out of the driveway. She had always been the one to turn men down, not the other way around, but none the less she wasn’t about to give a shit; to hell with instructor AJ too!
    Chapter 5
    Once she left he called another friend that he could trust. The phone rang a few times and then voicemail picked up. Channing I need your help call me back ASAP! Channing was also a member of the brotherhood except he had a secret love for tasting and touching black women as well. He had caught him coming out of a hotel two towns over with his arms wrapped around a black woman. He honked the horn at him to get his attention; of course the little shit looked green in the face by the time he had made it to my truck. Here was a man that beat the shit out motherfuckers with crow bars and broken more than a few arms and legs, was sitting in his truck looking like he was about to throw up because his ass had just gotten caught with one of the races that he was raised to hate. Oh and did I mention he was one of his dads right hand men. He knew everything about what his father planned to do and when. I took him to a secluded location and told him to tell me everything he knew about his dad having Yaz followed and in return he would keep his mouth shut about what he had seen. Channing looked straight ahead “ Do you think I’m a fool” as soon as I tell you, you’ll high tell it so fast back to your father and tell him, so fuck you. I’m not telling you shit! And by the way your fathers not any better than me, he’s fucked plenty of black women, yet he tells us stay away from them… the fucking hypocrite. Alton’s head whipped around, yea that’s right Channing said…he fucks them too. Alton now had his father by the balls now. That fucker was cheating on his mother while she stayed faithful to him. Oh he just fucking loved this; however he needed proof. He decided to let Channing in on his little secret, fuck it… his father already knew anyway and he hadn’t killed him yet. It also dawned on him that after all these years William Sr. still hadn’t told anyone about his son loving a black woman to anyone else. Now he knew why. Let’s take a walk Channing. For what… so you can try and “notice I said try” and kill me and bury my body so no will find me… Hell no! Alton was no pussy and he knew Channing would put up a good fight if he was going to try and kill him but that wasn’t his reason. Look man I don’t know if my truck is bugged or not let’s just step outside the car okay. Channing stared at him for a moment then pulled on the door handle and slid out. They walked a few feet from the truck and Alton laid it all out to him, by the time Alton was finished Channing felt much better about his own situation. He told Alton that he had been the one that had been sent watch Yaz but all he did was take pictures of her. Alton was not happy about that but none the less at least he hadn’t hurt her. AJ I swear to you man I didn’t know she was yours. Your father said that she and her family were protesters against our brotherhood and she posed a threat to our way of life and he wanted me to keep a tight eye on her for a while. One night while Gabe, Morris and I were camped out in front of her grandmother’s house I went to go and find a place to take a piss.

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