The Only Choice (The Choices Trilogy #3)

Free The Only Choice (The Choices Trilogy #3) by Dee Palmer

Book: The Only Choice (The Choices Trilogy #3) by Dee Palmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dee Palmer
Tags: The Choices Trilogy, Book Three
    “Aren’t I?” My voice is a breathless whisper but he freezes at my words.
    “What? No, never!” His face registers the shock his tone conveys.
    “Really, because I am pretty sure I’m exchanging my body for information. Doesn’t that make me a whore?” My voice is surprisingly calm, he sounds increasingly irritated.
    “No!” He snaps angrily, his tone brooking no further debate but I press on regardless of my defenceless predicament.
    “Oh because that is exactly what it sounded like in your boardroom, when you were handing out my details like you were my fucking pimp.” I have lost the edge of calmness and my voice breaks as the emotions underlying this revelation hits home, hard. He recoils; my words have hit him too. Anger in his eyes giving way to softness, a softness I cherished and loved so deeply that a slew of fresh wounds puncture my fragile heart. He cups my face with his hands, his voice like velvet and his thumbs gently stroking my cheeks.
    “Why the fuck would I disclose my personal life to some motherfucker just because he thinks he knows me and we happen to have lunch together?” His tone is deadly serious and his face a picture of heart-rending concern. I shake my head, I heard the words. I didn’t believe them at the time but that is because I didn’t want to believe them but looking at his beautiful face and his soul searching eyes I believe him now. “Kiss me.” His voice is a quiet plea but I know I am struggling to keep my emotional-self safe, it tenuous at best and kissing him would be the end. This has to be physical, just physical. I shake my head, my eyes glass over with regret that I can’t give him what he wants without shredding my self-esteem, destroying my heart and losing my fucking mind. He holds my stare for endless minutes waiting for my reply and all I can manage is to repeat the slightest shake of my head. He lets me go with an exaggerated exhale of angry breath; his voice is cold and harsh. “Very well have it your way.”
    He drops to his knees in front of me on with one sweep of his arms down the backs of my legs he scoops behind my knees and lifts them over his shoulders. I squeal and pull my weight onto the bar. I clench and tense every muscle from my tightly gripped hands to my tummy, thighs on his shoulders and calves against his back. His fingers press like individual spikes into the soft flesh of my bottom and his mouth covers my core. All in an instant, all too fast to register until it’s too late and I am gasping for air. His tongue delves deep with deliciously languid strokes along my folds, swirling and pushing, dipping inside he moans and the vibrations ripple deep inside and echo through every nerve ending. I try to swallow my scream but there is no hope. I am open and helpless and he is relentlessly devouring every intimate part of me.
    “Ahh God Sir, Fuck. . . . . Please. . . . . please ahhhh . . .” The muscles in my arms are shaking, no, my whole body is shaking and he pushes on and on. I throw my head back and scream as I feel my blessed body take over and I have no will to stop it. I am grateful to step aside a moment and let this overwhelm me, because fuck it feels so good. It is driving me insane. He stills and I must look panicked as he catches my expression through his heavy lidded eyes and his impossibly long lashes.
    “Please what baby?” His words are endearing but his tone is ice cold and I understand what he wants from me, but I can’t.
    “Please let me come.” I offer but he shakes his head and blows a cool breath on my ultra-sensitive centre.
    “Nah–ah. Try again baby, Please what?” He slowly licks his lips and my thighs tremble like they’ve just run a marathon.
    “Please fuck me.” My begging words are turning more hostile with frustration.
    “Oh I will but nah–ah. Third times a charm baby, please what?” His lips are millimetres from my core and he inhales deeply and my whole body sags onto his

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