Surrender to Fire: Maison Chronicles, Book 3

Free Surrender to Fire: Maison Chronicles, Book 3 by Skylar Kade

Book: Surrender to Fire: Maison Chronicles, Book 3 by Skylar Kade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Skylar Kade
holding still. The heat from his body radiated against hers, warming her core until she sizzled—then he leaned down and blew a cool stream of air against her tender, exposed flesh.
    Her hips jerked up, desperate to bring him closer. Cam got a smack in response, which only served to inflame the tender skin of her inner thigh. “Ah, please…Sir.”
    “What are you asking for?” How could his voice still be so calm? She’d been more together last time she and the girls had gone out for Jager Bombs, and he was being even-keeled?
    “Touch me,” she begged.
    His index finger raised to her lips. She kissed it, let her tongue dart out across the tip. He hissed, then pressed the digit against her lips. “Do you want my cock here?”
    His explicit words dragged her higher and a ragged moan let loose from her chest. She sucked at his finger, showing him how much she liked that suggestion.
    When he pulled away, she gasped at the loss. He dragged his wet finger down her body, freezing against her overheated skin. He circled one nipple, then the other, tightening the peaks until they ached. “Tonight, what are you?”
    His question didn’t make sense, or maybe she was lost in his every movement. His nostrils flared and that turned her on. His lip quirked and her pussy clenched. His words didn’t register until he pinched down on her nipple. That got her attention.
    “I said, ‘Tonight, what are you?’” His open, easy smile hid wicked, deviant thoughts, she just knew it. What she didn’t know was the answer to his question.
    “I…I don’t get it, Sir.”
    He stood and she reached out for him. Had she driven him away already? Cool air washed over her body. She shivered and huddled in on herself.
    Cam braced for his departure, so when he commanded, “Stand,” she scrambled to obey, almost losing her footing as she did. Once she was steady on her feet, she looked at him. She might not be submissive enough for Shawn, but she wanted—for one night—to be enough for Damien.
    “Repeat after me, okay?”
    She nodded.
    “I belong to Sir Damien.”
    The words choked her, panic and thick arousal locking around her throat. Belonging , isn’t that what she wanted? But not to a Dominant. No more. Her eyes burned with unshed tears and disappointment.
    Insight flashed in his eyes. “Ah. How about ‘Tonight, I give myself to Sir Damien’?”
    She tasted the words and found them sweet. “Tonight, I give myself to Sir Damien.”
    “Good girl.” He kissed her forehead, a satisfied smile on his face. His tenderness went straight to her knees and they buckled.
    “You’re awfully nice for a Dom…Sir,” she said when his arms caught her around the waist.
    He snorted. “What, you expected whips and chains and protocol from the get-go?”
    She took advantage of his nearness and inhaled his scent. “Yes. No. I mean, I just didn’t expect…this. Whatever this is.”
    One hand twined in her hair and yanked her head back. “Let that be lesson one, then: Nice doesn’t mean weak and being a dick doesn’t make for a fiercer Dom. Okay?”
    “Yes, Sir.”
    “Lesson two: Tonight, what are you?”
    In his arms, the question seemed more obvious. “Tonight, I belong to Sir Damien.”
    He exhaled at her answer, his warm breath floating across her shoulder and down the chilled skin of her back. “Good. Now we can play.” His wicked grin set off butterflies in her stomach. “I’m not going to cuff you. That would be too easy. No, you’re going to have to hold yourself still.”
    Back at the beginning, when they’d occasionally played, Cam had always flailed in her bonds, yanking at the cuffs when she was flogged or paddled. Would she have the same reaction to whatever he had planned? “Shitballs,” she breathed, then winced at her language.
    His thumb brushed her lips. “Such a dirty mouth.” In a flash, she was bent over the arm of the couch, facedown in the cushions. “Don’t move.” Her ears perked up, listening for

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