Deadly Vacation (Hardy Brothers Security Book 10)

Free Deadly Vacation (Hardy Brothers Security Book 10) by Lily Harper Hart

Book: Deadly Vacation (Hardy Brothers Security Book 10) by Lily Harper Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lily Harper Hart
said. “I just don’t like the fact that it was your purse that was stolen right on the heels of your room being broken into.”
    “Oh, no,” Emma said. “I hadn’t thought about that.”
    Finn rubbed her shoulders. “I’m sure it was just a coincidence, sweetie.” He glared at James. “Nice.”
    “I’m sorry,” James said. “That was a stupid thing to say.”
    “Emma, it was just because you put your purse on the table so close to the fence,” Mandy said. “You won’t make that mistake again. Wrap the purse around your neck so someone can’t grab it. You don’t have anything in there again, right?”
    “Just a little bit of cash.”
    “Put that in your pocket,” Mandy said. She turned to James. “I put my credit cards in the safe like you wanted.”
    James smiled at her. “Thank you. You’re the best wife ever.”
    “I need more cash.”
    James immediately reached for his wallet and handed her a wad of bills. He’d learned his lesson regarding money jokes. “Is that enough to get you through the day?”
    Mandy counted it. “No.”
    “That’s five hundred dollars,” James said.
    “The tour costs three hundred. We still have food.”
    “And shopping,” James finished. “That’s all I have right now. I’ll hit the ATM when I can. Grady, do you have cash?”
    Grady fished his wallet out and handed Sophie more money. “Is that enough?”
    Mandy looked to Sophie for confirmation. After counting it, the brunette reporter nodded. “We should be good for the day.”
    “You women are so expensive,” Grady teased. “I guess you’re worth it, though.”
    “They’re always worth it,” James said, getting to his feet. “Don’t forget to text me today.” He gave Mandy a smoldering kiss. “If you’re good, I’ll have a surprise for you when I get back.”
    “Is it the same surprise you gave me yesterday?”
    “Would that be a problem?”
    “No,” Mandy said. “I just want to know how big I should set my sights.”
    “Huge,” James said, holding his arms out for emphasis. “I promise you’ll love it. I just have a few things to finish up before I can tell you.”
    “I can hardly contain myself,” Mandy deadpanned.
    “Work. Work. Work.” James gave her another kiss. “Have fun. Be safe.”
    “All of you be safe,” Finn said, giving Emma a hug. “Stick together, and have a good time.”
    “OKAY, I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to see a cemetery when you suggested it, but this is really cool,” Sophie said, glancing around Lafayette Cemetery with bright eyes. “It’s really charming.”
    “I think there’s more than one Lafayette Cemetery,” Mandy said. “Where is your map?”
    Sophie dug around in her purse until she found it and then handed it over. “How many cemeteries are there?”
    “It’s a big city,” Mandy said. “I’m guessing there are quite a few.” She studied the map for a moment. “Do you know what we need to do before we go?”
    “Do they have a shark museum or something?” Sophie teased.
    “No,” Mandy said, rolling her eyes. “They do have a wax museum, though. It’s supposed to be really garish.”
    “Oh, I don’t want to see that,” Emma said. “It will give me nightmares.”
    “They have regular parts, too,” Sophie said. “You don’t have to go to the scary parts. I’ve always wanted to go to a wax museum. We should definitely check it out.”
    “I think that’s something we should do with the guys,” Mandy said. “I think James will want to see it, too. We can go at night.”
    “We’ll have to figure out whatever surprise he has planned for you and go from there,” Sophie said. “Do you know what it is?”
    “I have no idea,” Mandy said. “Knowing him, though, he’ll go all out.”
    “It’s sweet that he does that,” Emma said.
    “I hate surprises, though.”
    “No, you don’t,” Sophie scoffed. “You say you hate them, but every single one he’s sprung on you has been something you absolutely

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