Fast Life

Free Fast Life by Cassandra Carter

Book: Fast Life by Cassandra Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassandra Carter
crimson shoes.
    The teacher removed the glasses propped on her nose and let them hang on the chain around her neck. She seemed to be completely engrossed in notes she had written in one of the margins. She glanced up from her notebook for a moment to scan the room and then rose from her position propped against the desk. Seeing her new student brought a smile to her face.
    â€œHello. You must be Kyra. Kyra Jones, right?” The woman and walked over to shake Kyra’s hand.
    â€œYeah, that’s me,” Kyra managed to answer, despite being preoccupied with returning the stares of the class, which was silently evaluating her.
    â€œI apologize for keeping you waiting. I was just reading my notes on you. I was expecting you tomorrow, but I am glad you are here.” Her voice was probably velvety and smooth in private conversation Kyra thought, but was powerful when projected. “Class, this is our new student, Kyra Jones! Kyra, I know its clichéd and all, but would you mind telling us a little about yourself?”
    â€œYes, I would.”
    â€œOh, come on, don’t be shy.”
    Kyra hesitated for a moment before giving in to her teacher’s request.
    â€œOkay…umm….well, my name is Kyra. I’m sixteen. I’m from Chicago, umm…”
    She was trying to think of something else to say when her breathing stopped. She spotted Justin in a far corner of the room. She didn’t know how she hadn’t noticed him before, but there he was, and he was staring dead at her.
    â€œâ€¦and I moved here about three days ago,” she added hurriedly finishing her sentence.
    â€œSee, that wasn’t so hard now, was it? It’s nice to get to know you a little better. How do you like the island so far?”
    â€œIt’s okay.” Kyra knew she had to have offended some in the room, but if she rubbed them the wrong way, then so be it.
    â€œClass, get out your homework from the weekend while I fill Kyra in on a few things.” The teacher motioned to her new pupil and took her aside. “I’m sure you know that I’m Ms. Kingsley and I’m your teacher for this year. Here at the academy we have the same class all day and cover different subjects. It’s kind of like the elementary school system in the U.S. We cover mathematics, science, history, English and some Spanish. We will cover each subject for an hour every day, with an hour lunch break at noon. Your parents should have gotten all other information regarding school hours, breaks, et cetera, in the mail with your uniform. Oh, and about the uniform, you have to wear it every day. Don’t be fooled, Friday is not dress-down day. If you need another one, you can order it from a catalog.
    â€œBut enough of me talking your ear off. Let me give you a seat so we can get going.” Ms. Kingsley peered up from the paper and surveyed the class several times before finally giving instructions.
    â€œOkay, Kyra, you will sit in the back row next to Angel Cartier and Justin Hartwell.” She pointed out what was to be Kyra’s assigned seat.
    â€œHey, cutie.” Justin showed off his heart-melting smile as Kyra took her place in the back of the room.
    â€œHi,” she managed to mumble as she dropped her bag on the floor. She kept her eyes straight ahead as she readied herself for the day’s lessons.
    While Ms. Kingsley delivered her lectures, first discussing science and then math, Kyra found herself daydreaming. Her mind wouldn’t settle down. She didn’t pay attention to the first two lectures of the day, leaving her lost when Ms. Kingsley handed out a stack of math worksheets. Kyra stared at the first paper as if it were written in Japanese. She didn’t comprehend a single problem on the sheet. She had been sure she would be more advanced than the others in the class, but instead, their studies were far more advanced than anything she had ever done. She was only a

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