For Your Love

Free For Your Love by Beverly Jenkins

Book: For Your Love by Beverly Jenkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverly Jenkins
the start.”
    The applause shook the walls. Trent was pleased. She was right—­their dream of Henry Adams expanding and thriving was now being jump-­started. He just prayed there wouldn’t be any fires before they’d worked out the logistics of establishing their own fire department. He glanced at Bernadine. “Anything else you want to say?”
    â€œNo. It’s all been said, I think.”
    Trent focused his attention back on the crowd. “On a side note, as soon as the weather breaks, the Henry Adams Hotel rehab will be up and running, which means spending the winter commissioning and reviewing blueprints, setting up construction schedules, hiring contractors, and the like. Bernadine wants new houses added to the subdivision so we can house new residents, and the rec center still needs work. It also looks like we’ll be building a new library and firehouse. I’m up to my hips coordinating all this, so I’m appointing an assistant. Bobby Douglas, you’re it.”
    In the midst of the applause, Bobby shouted, “ What? ”
    â€œNow, that’s all the new business. Anyone have anything else they want to talk about?” Trent chose to overlook Bobby’s stunned face. Kelly raised her hand. Thinking she had something negative to say about her husband’s surprising appointment, he acknowledged her warily. “Go ahead, Kelly.”
    â€œIs there someplace in town I can start doing hair, so the ladies don’t have to leave town the way they do now?”
    Before he could reply, Bernadine shouted happily, “Yes!” The women in the room hooted and applauded. “See me after the meeting.”
    A shy smile crossed Kelly’s face, and she retook her seat.
    â€œAnything else before we close?”
    No one stepped up, so Trent gaveled the meeting closed.
    Bobby was furious, but held it inside as he told Kiki, “I need to talk to Trent. Be right back.”
    â€œWhat’re you so mad about?”
    He didn’t reply. Instead he made his way through the crowd to where Trent stood talking with his wife. When he reached him, he said through his teeth, “Can I talk to you for a minute? Privately?”
    Trent eyed him calmly. “Sure. Let’s use my dad’s office. I’m sure he won’t mind.”
    Bobby had no idea who Trent’s dad was, but didn’t care.
    Trent led the way to a small room at the back of the diner and leaned against the desk. “What’s up?”
    â€œWhy did you say I was going to be your assistant?”
    â€œBecause you are.”
    â€œNo, I’m not. You think it’s funny, playing me in front of all those ­people?”
    â€œI’m not playing you. Don’t you need a job?”
    â€œYeah, I do, but I need one I can do.”
    â€œHow do you know you can’t do this one?”
    Bobby’s jaw tightened. He didn’t know what the hell was up with Trent, but there had to be some kind of a catch. “Look, let me ask you up front. You gay? Are you trying to hit on me? Is that what all this is about?”
    Trent stared, and then laughed, hard. When he finally recovered, he said, “Oh, that’s funny. No, Bob. Not gay. I have all I can handle with Lily, and besides, you’re not that cute.”
    Bobby stared off angrily. “Then tell me what it is, so I can understand.”
    â€œIt’s called H-­E-­L-­P. Nothing more, nothing less. This is what we do here. Other places do it as well. We—­meaning the ­people who live here—­want you and Kelly to be all you can be. That’s it. Not trying to play you or get you in bed. I understand this is all new, but it’s the real deal.”
    Bobby sighed. He was so out of his element, he was having difficulty determining up from down and front from back. “But all I want to do is start a detailing business.”
    â€œGreat goal, but you’re going to need

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