The Dead Speak Ill Of The Living (The Dead Speak Paranormal Mysteries Book 1)

Free The Dead Speak Ill Of The Living (The Dead Speak Paranormal Mysteries Book 1) by Robert Wilde

Book: The Dead Speak Ill Of The Living (The Dead Speak Paranormal Mysteries Book 1) by Robert Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Wilde
Steven Warricker was taking a nighttime briefing deep within the MI5
headquarters in London when the computer in the corner suddenly displayed a
video message screen.
“Hello,” came a woman’s voice he’d never heard before.
The three people in the room, which included the head of MI5 in Warricker,
turned in surprise.
“Hello?” Warricker tried.
“We’re British citizens under attack in a Belgium laboratory, and we’ve just
discovered an illegal operation using dead bodies to create the world’s most
powerful computer.” Dee finished, hoping that didn’t sound totally stupid.
Many people would have dismissed this as the hoax it sounded, but Warricker
turned to the other two people in the room with a question.
“Exactly how difficult is it for someone to hack into the personal computer on
my desk?”
“I’d have thought impossible given our security.”
“That’s what I thought, and yet they’ve done it. Does that suggest a hugely
powerful computer at their end to you?”
Dee turned to the group. “I think he believes us!” It was then a matter of
giving their location and situation to Warricker, and letting him know the
situation in more detail, aided by the Array sending over files filled with
maps and breakdowns.
“We’ll speak to Belgium and have someone there as soon as possible,” he
“What do we do now?”
“I’m afraid you’ll have to wait and hope the doors hold up.”
There now followed a period where the group stood nervously round Nazir’s
laptop and followed the progress of security as they went from door to door,
cracking each open. It was slow, but inexorable, and time was ticking away.
However, the growing sense of doom only affected three of the group. One had
other matters to occupy her.
“What do we do with my brother? Can they put his brain back into his body?”
“I’m afraid not,” the other device explained, “it’s a one way process. There
just isn’t the technology for what’s effectively a brain transplant.”
“So he’s stuck as a brain in a jar?”
“I’m afraid so.”
“No, no I refuse. I will not be a brain in a jar. I’d rather die. I am dead.”
“Please, we can…” but Pohl realised she didn’t have the words.
“You’ll have to kill me.”
“We can’t kill…” but Pohl trailed off.
“Okay, they’re almost here,” Nazir interrupted.
“What’s Belgium for if you step through the door we start breaking shit?”
Nazir looked over at Dee and nodded. “Worth a try.” The message was soon sent.
“They’re having a discussion. Guns still out.”
“Can you hear a helicopter?”
Everyone stopped and listened to the new noise, then they started to hear deep
popping sounds. “Is that gunfire?” Dee asked.
“Oh that’s gunfire” Nazir confirmed. “The rescue party is here.”
At this two people sprang into life. Joe ran over to the workstation with
Scott’s brain and plugged a memory stick in. “I’m going to take a copy of this
device, how they did it,” he explained. “And I think it best we don’t mention
the machine to MI5, or they’ll take it.”
“Agreed,” said Dee, who was looking at Pohl. She was pulling wires out of the
back of Scott’s jar.
“You’re killing him?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Thank y…” and the digital voice went dead.
The sombre moment was broken by Joe handing Dee the memory stick. “Hide that in
your bra or something.”
The battle for the lab was over quickly, and without casualties. The security
guards were armed to deal with intruders, and while some of the guards had
taken part on the assault in Britain, none were prepared to fight it out with
the troops who landed, tooled up, and who’d decided to try a few

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