
Free Betrayal by Margaret Bingley

Book: Betrayal by Margaret Bingley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margaret Bingley
brought them together, and the emotional elation that had kept their relationship charged up, had died on her. They had nothing in common left.
    She couldn't talk to him. He wasn't interested in anything except his career and the frivolous side of show business. He wouldn't even go to watch the R.S.C. or take her to the opera. Television was his god. It had made him famous and was the beginning and end of his world. He was also starting to believe his own publicity, losing his own identity in that of his character.
    She understood all this and knew it wasn't uncommon, but it wasn't the kind of life she wanted. Yet she didn't know how to get out. Finally, she went to bed, swallowing one of Toby's sleeping pills as an afterthought.
    When she awoke she felt muzzy headed. The room was still dark, but two of the corner lamps were on and the bedside clock said 4 a.m. The pill was making it impossible for her to wake up fully, but she was aware of Toby standing next to her.
    'Awake?' he said politely.
    'Not really. I took one of your pills and… ' She let her eyes close again.
    He shook her by the shoulder. 'Wake up, I've got a surprise for you.'
    She forced open her heavy lids and looked up at him. 'Can't it wait?' Someone in the room laughed, and it wasn't Toby. 'Who's that?' she asked nervously, pulling the duvet round her shoulders.
    'Just a friend. We thought we'd see if we could satisfy you between us. I explained that I'm not enough of a man any more.'
    'You're drunk again!'
    'I've had a few, but I'm not drunk. You must remember Roger; he plays my partner.'
    Now her brain was beginning to clear. 'Get him out of here,' she cried.
    'That's not nice. Roger gave up a very attractive blonde to come and see you. He doesn't even mind about the baby. He rather likes big women, and you're certainly big, aren't you, Lisa!' As he spoke he pulled the duvet off the bed.
    Lisa screamed and dived for a sweatshirt but Toby caught hold of her round the waist. 'Naughty! Let Roger have a good look. Come on, Roger. See what a big girl Lisa's grown into!'
    Roger advanced towards the bed. Slightly below six feet tall and with a baby face, he looked the picture of innocence until you studied his eyes, which were tired and old. At twenty-three, Roger had done it all, or so he'd thought until tonight. This was something different, and high on drugs and alcohol he was beginning to feel a tingle of excitement at last.
    'Hi, Lisa! Nice to see you again.' He gave another giggle, and she shivered with terror as Toby settled himself behind her on the bed, holding her tightly so that she couldn't wrench away from Roger's touch. 'She likes a lot of foreplay,' explained Toby. 'She was complaining earlier about my speedy technique. Are you good at foreplay, Roger?' He laughed, catching hold of both her legs before she could kick out, and with Toby holding her waist while Roger imprisoned her legs there was absolutely nothing that she could do.
    It was like a nightmare. She wished that she hadn’t taken the sleeping pill. It had slowed down her already dulled reflexes and made it impossible for her to think quickly enough. After what seemed hours, Roger lifted his head.
    'I think she's ready!' he exclaimed, nearly falling across her body. 'Stop it!' she shouted, beginning to cry as she felt Roger's fingers on her. 'Please, please leave me alone. Just go away, both of you.
    Haven't you done enough? I can't… '
    Toby lifted his head. 'You're not very grateful, Lisa. We thought you liked all this.'
    'You're an animal!' she screamed. 'You must be insane. I only wish your fans could see you now.'
    'Castrating bitch,' he muttered as he lifted himself above her, thrusting into her so hard that she was terrified for the baby. As she twisted and turned, trying to protect her stomach, flash bulbs suddenly exploded relentlessly around her. She screamed again, but Roger only smiled.
    'Don't worry. It's just a friend taking a few snaps in case you try and run out on poor

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