Erotic Weekend

Free Erotic Weekend by Cheyenne McCray

Book: Erotic Weekend by Cheyenne McCray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheyenne McCray
allowed herself
to glance around and saw slaves of all shapes and sizes, and of both genders,
who were completely naked. Many were on leashes, too.
    Yet she still found her hands easing up to
her breasts, wanting to cup them, hide them.
    “Stop.” Derrick placed his hand over hers
and met her eyes. Electricity zinged through her at his touch. “You should be
proud to display such beautiful breasts.” His eyes narrowed with what appeared
to be lust. “Right now I want to take you to our room, spank your ass, and fuck
you until you can’t walk.”
    Andi gulped. His words, the huskiness in
his voice, the way he looked at her, all made her so hot she could barely stand
it. Since she hadn’t been allowed to have an orgasm today, she was so raw and
horny that she was sure she could come with just a rub of her thong against her
    No. She wouldn’t succumb. She wouldn’t give
Derrick the satisfaction of it, allowing him to punish her in lord knew what
way he would come up with.
    They were seated at a table in a beautiful
courtyard surrounded by lush vegetation and a variety of colorful flowers.
Afternoon sunshine warmed all her bared skin, and the air smelled good, of
grilled chicken, fresh-baked rolls, and roasted meats. The additional scent of
flowers and fresh air relaxed her. A little.
    The waiter brought the meal Derrick had
ordered for them, and Andi found herself avoiding his eyes, still embarrassed
about her naked breasts. When she reached for her glass of Chardonnay, she felt
the weight of the leash tug against her neck, and the soft leather collar
seemed a little more constricting than it had before. Perhaps it was the fact
she was having a hard time swallowing down her embarrassment—and her lust for
    Over the rim of her wineglass she studied
him, admiring his profile as he said something to the waiter. Derrick’s
features were strong and masculine and she liked the way he focused on whatever
task was before him, whether it was in the boardroom, or here at the resort,
dominating her.
    Her hand trembled as she carefully set the
wineglass back on the table. Just the thought of what he might have in mind for
her threw her off balance. Jeez , she told herself, you’re a Vice
President of a major corporation, for Christ’s sake . She was confident,
self-assured, in control of herself and her environment.
    So why did she feel this way around
Derrick? Like she could just let him take care of her, and do anything he commanded
her to do?
    When the waiter left, Derrick said, “Eat
your lunch before I devour you in front of everyone.” Those incredible blue
eyes burned through her, telling her he meant what he said.
    “Yes, Master,” she managed to get out
before focusing on the plate before her. She slowly ate her Atlantic salmon,
bathed in capers and lemon butter. The broccoli, carrots, and yellow squash
were crisp, the way she liked them, and the side of wild rice was cooked to
    “That’s my girl,” Derrick said, and she was
certain she heard humor in his voice. No doubt from the way she was devouring
her meal. After all that sex—well, almost-sex on her part—she was ravenous.
    When she had eaten her last bite of salmon,
she glanced up to see Derrick watching her. His empty plate was pushed away
from him, his arms folded on the tabletop, and he gazed at her intently. Andi’s
head swam, and she couldn’t help but wonder if it was the wine, or the way
Derrick affected her.
    “Lean closer.” He reached for his glass of
Chardonnay, and held it close enough to his lips that his breath fogged the
    Andi’s belly fluttered as she leaned closer
to him, feeling his heat against hers.
    Derrick sipped his wine, then set the glass
on the table. He slipped his fingers into her hair and brought his lips to
    Andi opened for him, expecting the thrust
of his tongue. Instead he fed her the wine from his mouth. Her world spun. The
wine was so much more intoxicating coming from him, as

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