Claimed by Angels & Demons: Book 1

Free Claimed by Angels & Demons: Book 1 by Ava Blake

Book: Claimed by Angels & Demons: Book 1 by Ava Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava Blake
Tags: Romance
killed her, the only thing you sacrificed was her , to your big, giant ego."
    "As I said," Gabriel replied, his cold, formal outer shell back in full force, "I don't expect you to understand."
    "Of course I don't understand it," I said, yelling now, "no one could understand it, it's--" But he winked out of existence right in the middle of my tirade, pulling his convenient disappearing act once again. "Oh real mature," I yelled at the space where he had been, "just run away, what are you eight thousand years old? Grow up!"
    But there was no response, just the silence of an empty car on a deserted street.
    The truth was that for a moment I had hoped that maybe, if Gabriel had some feelings for me, he might be willing to look the other way on the whole too-powerful-to-live thing. Maybe Seffora had had the same thought. But it hadn't worked out so well for her, and if it came to that, it apparently wasn't going to work out so well for me either. So what was I supposed to do now? I could try to ignore my feelings for Gabriel and keep him at a distance, in the hopes that it would save my life, or embrace the way I felt about him, and take the risk that he might end up killing me when he learned too much about me. And then there was this new threat, that the two of us might be banished to hell just for being together. How seriously was I supposed to take that?
    And where had these feelings even come from? I was not this girl. I didn't go around ogling any man, even if he was an archangel. It was like that dream from the night before had followed me in to the waking world. All the exaggerated emotions I had felt for him there in that safe, imaginary place were bleeding over in to my conscious mind. Not that I was complaining. Because that kiss... that had been magic. I should have said that, I should have told him how I felt, but I had kind of sucked at that emotional stuff ever since Mom had left. Just one more problem to add the list.
    Logically I knew that the only sane choice was to run in the other direction the next time I saw Gabriel. That choice was the one where I most likely lived to see the end of the summer. But I could already tell that the next time I saw him I would be running towards him, not away, consequences be damned. It was that stupid kiss, I just couldn't get it out of my head. It felt like he had worked his way in to my head, my heart, even in to my bones with that kiss. And now he had some sort of claim on me that I just could not escape.

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What's Next
    Claimed by Angels and Demons: Book Two is available right now! Here's a sneak peak:
    After Gabriel reveals that he was the one who killed Seffora, Layla knows she cant trust him, and it's not safe to be around him. But after having another strange dream, and spending another night afraid to go back to sleep, her attraction to him only seems to be growing. Being with him is beginning to become like a physical need, just as necessary to her survival as sleeping and eating. Layla isn't sure what's happening to her, but more and more she doesn't care. How could anything that feels as good as being with Gabriel be bad?
    More than anything now, Layla needs answers, and Henrietta is willing to answer some of Layla's questions, for a price. But Layla is quickly learning that in the supernatural world trust is everything, and trusting the wrong person could mean a quick death. Paying Henrietta's price means placing absolute trust in the old woman, and answers wont be of much use to Layla if she's dead.
    Get it now on  Amazon  (available on Kindle Unlimited!)
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