Penance (RN: Book 2)

Free Penance (RN: Book 2) by David Gunner Page A

Book: Penance (RN: Book 2) by David Gunner Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Gunner
rings developed a torol, a large magnetic auger that drove into the space fabric behind the ship compressing it, like a screw compressing a spring, only for the screw to vanish and the spring recover. In a similar way the recovering space fabric catapulted the ship forward with no further energy expenditure. Like many scientific principles that are easily explained, the actuality was a complex balancing act of enormous magnetic forces that could easily send separate parts of the ship in different directions at different velocities if not carefully controlled. This was the fate that befell the RNO’s first FTL capable carrier, the Ark Royal, during her initial shakedown run.
    “But I need to tell you, Lieutenant, that if it had been rings five and six out of alignment we’d be in a pretty state, as we need five consecutive rings, minimum! To be able to make gate-way.”
    “But ring five is OK! So what you’re telling me is irrelevant, and we have gate ability. Good! What about the other critical systems?”
    The engineer gave Avery something of a peeved look, which made what could be seen of his thin triangular face past the bushy moustache and thick eye brows appear more grieved than usual. “Well,” the engineer’s fingers disappeared into his horse shoe of wild black hair up to the wrist as he chased an itch or dislodged a thought. “Life and science systems are all alright. The reactors are fully contained and the main batteries and the secondary weapon systems are good. But the vertical launch system is currently inoperative if we raise the shields.”
    “Two banding generators shorted when they were displaced by the hull movement leaving a gap in the speculative shielding. The shield bands to either side can compensate to some degree, but they’ve lost the shutter element in doing so. So this section of the hull either has all or nothing.” The engineer referred to the donut shaped predictive shielding that encircled the length of the ship, with each donut powered by two generators. The shields could be partially collapsed, or shuttered, in the areas above the engine thrust emitters, munitions ports and main batteries to permit firing. If a section of shielding failed those to either side could compensate to some degree by expanding to cover the exposed section of hull, but it lost the ability to shutter in doing so.
    “So the weapons are all ok, except for the long axis weapon which –
    “What’s wrong with the LAW,” Avery said uncrossing his arms.
    “Well as I was about to say, I’ve no idea how the LAW is as it’s a closed system we’re never meant to look at. And as we haven’t fired it since she was launched I don’t know if these parameters on this panel are true or not,” the engineer tapped a data cell on a wall mounted display. “There are a few hydraulic anomalies and it may be a bad sensor, but as we’re not allowed to go in and check without a Koll engineer present I don’t know for sure.” The chief said with a disgruntled look at the thought of The Koll. “The book says the readings are normal. But the book’s not fit to wipe my arse with. I think I’ll need to make an access request to check everything’s still connected as a sensor may have shaken loose during the incident.”
    “But they’re in spec according to the book?” A tall figure on a lower catwalk of the engineering bay looked toward Avery and patted himself on the head. In response Avery spread the four fingers of his right hand across his left bicep. The man nodded and moved on.
    “According to the book, but -”
    “Then I guess there’s no need to enter the restricted area.”
    “Maybe so, but I still think I should –“
    Avery took an authoritative step toward the engineer, “Chief, if the risk systems say the LAW is capable then there’s no requirement to enter restricted space. And as the allotted turnkey for the secure areas, I’m ordering you to put any requests for access directly

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