Blood Mates

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Book: Blood Mates by K. Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. Grey
know about?”
    “Not yet…”
    “Are you going to continue to be vague?”
    “Lucien… give me a day or so and then I’ll tell you.” Sloane sighed. “Right now I’m handling it…”
    “Alright, but you’re pissed off as hell…”
                  Sloane made sure he kept his thoughts blank and the words ‘you would be too if you knew’ didn’t ring in his head too loudly or Lucien would know. He shrugged.
    “I’m good… don’t worry about it.”
    “You are one of my oldest friends, Sloane. I know you don’t allow your temper to get the best of you.”
    “No... I have managed to control it.”
    “Yes, you do. You are always the calmest and can kept me in line too…”
    “Yeah…” Sloane chuckled.
    “So when you need me to lose my temper let me know. Better me than you.”
    “Yep… you’re king. You can get away with it better than what I was thinking.”
    Ava was doing an assignment for one of her classes Alfred had arranged for her to do online. The man amazed her. The professor was old school and didn’t like doing any of his classes online. He preferred his students to actually come to class and sit in front of him, but somehow Alfred had convinced him to let her finish the semester online. Ava wondered if there was anything Alfred couldn’t pull off.
    She was researching one of her topics for a paper when her cell phone rang. She looked around the room for it and found it on top of the Lucien’s desk. Jill’s name and number showed up on the screen.
    “Hey jilly….”
    “Ava! Where the hell are you? I know you said you were going to be gone a couple of days, but I thought you would be home by now.”
    “Oh! I’m still at a friend’s house.” Ava hated to lie to Jill. She had been a good friend to her, but she really didn’t have a choice. What was she supposed to say? ‘Oh! Jill, those twilight movies you drooled over, well honey I have met the real vampire slash immortal hotties and they make those boys look like shit.’
    “Ava… I really need your help…”
    “Why what’s wrong?” Ava asked. Jill was too independent to ask anyone for anything and she was always doing for everyone else. She was just like that.
    “I twisted my ankle at work yesterday. I sprained the damn thing to hell and back.” Jill told her. “you know I have been telling max he couldn’t keep piling all those boxes in the back room someone was going to break their neck one of these days. Well---- that dumbass was me last night. The doctor at the ER said I can’t put any weight on it.”
    “Oh! Jilly…”
    “It looks like a freaking watermelon shoved into my ankle sideways and it is four different shades of green and purple… it hurts, Ava… I have popped three pills so far this morning.”
    “Why haven’t you called David? He should be there with you.” David was Jill’s on and off again boyfriend.
    “He is in Seattle on business for a few more days.” Jill sniffed. “I can’t maneuver on those damn crutches they gave me and I can’t even get up to go pee by myself…” Jill began to cry. “Ava… can you come over for a little while. I need your help. You know I don’t like asking.”
    “I know…” Ava sighed and looked at the window. It was almost lunch time and the sun was high in the sky. She was safe in the day time. The half breeds couldn’t go out in the sun. Alfred said they would burn up like toast. She wouldn’t have to worry about them. “I’ll be there in a few minutes, jilly.” She told her.
    Alfred listened to Ava and knew she was concerned about her friend, but he didn’t like this.  Her safety was top priority. Lucien had told them all Ava was to be kept safe no matter what.
    “It should be safe enough, Alfred.”
    “I’m not sure about this. I don’t think Lucien would like you going without one of the brothers.”
    “But it’s day light. Half breeds would burn up like toast wouldn’t they?”
    “Yes they would.” He nodded.

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