Blood Mates

Free Blood Mates by K. Grey

Book: Blood Mates by K. Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. Grey
and glared at Rhage. “I need to talk to you two. Now and in my office.” He stomped past them throwing the door open. Holden chuckled around his bag of blood.
    “You two are in trouble….Sloane is pissed.”
    Talon looked at Rhage. “I didn’t do a damn thing to Sloane. What did you do to him?” Rhage snapped before Talon could speak. Talon glared at him hatefully because Rhage beat him to the punch.
    When they entered the office Sloane was pacing in front of his desk. He snapped around and pointed at the door. He was beyond pissed. His fangs was even showing and Sloane never showed his fangs. He was always calm and collected.
    “Shut it! My office is sound proof. I need the silence to work sometimes.”
    “Ok…” Talon closed the doors and Sloane turned on Rhage and demanded.
    “Did you know when you brought her in?”
    “Know what?” Rhage crossed his arms over his broad chest and kept his emotions flat. Sloane crossed the distance between them and stood nose to nose with Rhage.
    “DON’T. FUCK. WITH. ME. ON. THIS.” Sloane hissed in a low tone that neither Talon nor Rhage had ever heard him use before. His fangs lengthened and Rhage swore his eyes rimmed with red, but before Rhage could say a word Sloane turned away and took two or three steps before facing him again. The red was gone from his eyes and his fangs retracted some. He was calmer than a few seconds ago, but not by much. He had never seen Sloane like that before. It wasn’t right.
    “I’m only going to ask once and you better fucking tell me the truth... is she your mate? You can hear her heart can’t you? You felt her pain when you brought her in….” he then pointed to Rhage’s arm. “And tonight she bolted straight up from sleeping rubbing her arm where you got cut. Don’t even think about lying so tell me.”
    “Sloane…” Talon sighed. “Leave it alone, man.”
    “I wasn’t talking to you, Talon… so shut up.” Sloane never took his eyes away from Rhage when he growled at Talon. “Answer me, Rhage.”
    “I have no intentions of claiming her.” it was all Rhage could say. He just couldn’t bring himself to deny it again. He couldn’t make his mouth say the words. He knew it was the right thing to do, but he just couldn’t say it out loud, not again. He didn’t see it coming. Sloane’s fist was so fast he didn’t even blur, but Rhage felt the impact of Sloane’s fist on his jaw which sent him flying across the room. Rhage slammed against the wall so hard he put a dent in the surface and sent a crack running up to the ceiling. Talon quickly stepped in front of Sloane.
    “Sloane, man clam down….” Sloane shoved Talon aside and glared at Rhage with a murderous edge.
    “Then deny her in ceremony so it severs the connection. She is already feeling you she just doesn’t know who it is or what is going on!”
    “Fuck…” Talon mumbled.
    Slowly Rhage rose from the floor. He looked at Sloane. “She deserves better. It’s for the best I don’t claim her.”
    “You are a selfish bastard… you are damn right she deserves better. For some unknown reason you were gifted with the only female who is perfect for you and your sorry ass doesn’t even know what that means.” Sloane hissed. He shook his head. “I always thought you were a damn intelligent brother and right now I’d love to sever your head myself!” Sloane stormed out of the room nearly taking the door off the hinges.
    “Fuck!” Talon swore. “Shit!” Rhage leaned against the wall rubbing his jaw. Sloane had cracked it in two places. Talon then noticed Holden standing there.
    “Now isn’t a good time, Holden.”
    “Sloane had a mate…” Holden said getting their attention. Both men stared at him stunned. “He never talks about her. He got drunk once…I mean REALLY drunk and told me. I think it was the anniversary or something. He doesn’t remember and I have never mentioned it. The day they were gonna take their vows his brother killed

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