Mystral Murder (Julie O'Hara Mystery Series)

Free Mystral Murder (Julie O'Hara Mystery Series) by Lee Hanson

Book: Mystral Murder (Julie O'Hara Mystery Series) by Lee Hanson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Hanson
corridor. “Did you see Lana?” he asked.
    “No, Andrew, but she knows. You can’t keep a secret on a ship. Don’t worry. The crew is happy for you.”
    “I suppose you’re right.” He took her in his arms and they kissed. “You smell so good. I missed you last night. Come, we need to talk.” He took her hand and led her to the couch and they sat down. “I wanted to wait, to surprise you, but now I think I’ve got to delay my plan until all this mess is over. I’m going to ask HCL for permission to marry, Michelle.”
    “If we were married, we could live together and work here on the Mystral.”
    “But how?” she asked, surprised. “They don’t allow that unless you’re in equal positions, Andrew. I thought they discouraged it even then.”
    “That’s true, but they can do anything they want; it’s not like they’re bound by law. It depends on how much they value our service. Besides, you’re independent.”
    Andrew was referring to her special status as an Independent Contractor, which allowed the cruise industry to escape any liability for its medical care. Other aspects of Michelle’s unique situation as the Principal Medical Officer hung in the air, unspoken…
    HCL’s primary concern for medical care was cost. Personnel with dubious training often came from third world countries.  US doctors with zero experience who would work for low pay were prized, with many being hired on the cheap before the ink on their license was dry. And if an experienced American doctor like Michelle Sinclair could be hired for the same price… well, HCL was only too happy to award three stripes and ask no questions.
    “There’s going to be an investigation, Michelle.  It’s already begun.”
    “Shh, don’t worry, my love,” she said, standing and soothing him. “Everything will be fine.” She took his strong, bearded face in her hands and kissed him. He looked up at her and then put his arms around her, burying his face in her waist. She held him for a while like that, and then pushed him away gently.
    “Come to bed, Andrew.”
    Michelle walked to the bed and began to unbutton her blouse and unzip her skirt. She removed them and laid them over the back of a nearby chair. She looked over at him, but he didn’t move, obviously preferring to watch. She stepped out of her panties and placed them on the chair.  Then she unhooked her bra and took it off, baring firm breasts with dark brown nipples. She draped the lacy bit of lingerie over the neat, white pile of her clothes… and then she stood there facing him, waiting.
    He rose and came to her.  “You are so incredibly beautiful.” 
    They kissed deeply as she unbuttoned his shirt, slipping it over his shoulders and off. Andrew quickly stepped out of the rest of his clothes and shoes and they stood, skin sliding against skin, their bodies pulsing inside and out. He dropped to his knees in front of her, parting her and not stopping until she cried out. Then he lifted her onto the bed and they rocked as one, climbing the peak of their desire until they fell back, spent, on the other side.
    He tried to speak afterwards, but she quieted him, knowing what he wanted to talk about, and knowing that it would steal their peace. Facing him, she held his hand until he drifted off to sleep. When his breathing was deep and easy, she rolled onto her back, careful not to disturb him.
    As was her pattern, Michelle fought to stay awake, but eventually she succumbed to sleep herself. That was how she thought of it.  Her body succumbed to the deep desire for rest, while her mind succumbed to overwhelming sadness and terror.
    It always began the same way. The little girl said “Mama?” and the big woman said, “Cecile.” The little girl didn’t understand. The other women who came to the school to pick up the other children were all called “Mama”. One day, when they were at home, the big woman slapped the little girl in the face. “Never call

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