Precious Embrace (Embrace Series)

Free Precious Embrace (Embrace Series) by Dana Mason

Book: Precious Embrace (Embrace Series) by Dana Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dana Mason
plan, you know.”
    “Your plan?”
    “Yes, my ‘concentrate on my kids and career only’ plan.”
    “Sorry ‘bout that,” he said not bothering to sound sincere. “Maybe you need another plan that includes me.” He withdrew from the embrace, wanting to face her. “Ali, I’m not looking for a…” Shit. He rubbed his face and met her eyes again, not sure how to say what he needed to say without insulting her. “I don’t want this to be another one-night thing.”
    “Johnny, I don’t either, but you need to understand my position here.”
    He nodded, because regardless of what she said, he had pressured her. The least he could do was slow down a little and give her some space to get used to the idea. “I will try to understand.”
    “I can’t jump in with both feet.”
    “I know, sweetheart. I won’t pressure you. We’ll go slow…but just…stop acting like you don’t care. I don’t like that.”
    “I care very much,” she whispered, running her fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry if I made you feel insignificant.”
    They grew silent and he thought about what she’d said, realizing that he’d had a much longer time to get used to the idea of them together than she had. He knew the minute he’d decided to move that he’d be with her, but she’d been bombarded with his reappearance only a few days ago.
    She sighed and the satiated expression on her face made him hard again. “I’m thirsty,” she whispered.
    “And I left my beer downstairs.”
    Ali laughed and the sweet sound made him smile. She rolled away so he could get up. He tugged the sheet and wrapped himself up, leaving her uncovered and naked.
    “Sheet thief,” she said looking him up and down.
    Johnny grabbed the robe draped over the chair and threw it to her.

    In the kitchen, he picked up his unopened beer to replace it with a cold one. “What would you like?” he asked as he leaned into the fridge.
    “After all that champagne, I think I should stick with water.” He grabbed a bottle of water and closed the fridge. When he turned, Ali was leaning against the counter watching him with a wide smile.
    “What are you grinning about?”
    “You’re mighty handsome in my purple sheets.” She giggled and her smile made him want to take her right there in the kitchen.
    He threw the corner of the sheet over his shoulder. “Just call it a toga party, sweetheart.” He handed her the water then wrapped his free hand around her waist and pulled her to him. “You’re mama isn’t going to come in here and catch me in your sheet is she?”
    “No, she’s keeping Micah overnight.”
    “Oh, too bad.”
    “Do you want my mother to find you naked in my kitchen?”
    “No, silly, too bad about Micah.”
    “Oh yeah…it’s really going to suck being able to sleep through the night.”
    “What gave you the impression I’m gonna let you sleep?” He took her mouth and slid his tongue between her lips. She moaned as the water bottle slipped from her hand. “Ow,” Johnny said with a clenched jaw, lifting his foot and shaking it.
    “Oops sorry.” Ali snickered as he leaned over and retrieved the bottle for her.
    “It’s all right,” he said handing her the bottle. “Let’s go back to bed.” Snatching up her hand, he tugged her back toward the bedroom.
    “Wait,” she said at the foot of the stairs. She walked over and held down the ‘stay’ mode of the alarm system until it beeped.
    When they were back in her bedroom, Johnny stripped her of the robe and they wrapped up in the sheet together. The closeness and the touch of her bare skin had his blood heating again.
    “Thank you for being here,” she said into the silence.
    “There is no place I’d rather be.” He tried to focus on her face in the dark. “You’re not going to kick me out tonight, are you?”
    “Not on your life. Unless you would rather we stay at your place.”
    “I don’t own a bed yet, remember.”
    “Right—why did Sarah take the bed? Mark

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