Precious Embrace (Embrace Series)

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Book: Precious Embrace (Embrace Series) by Dana Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dana Mason
has a huge bed.”
    Johnny frowned, the reminder of Mark and Ali in bed together irritating him. “She had an antique bedroom set that belonged to her grandmother. She’s using it for their guest bedroom—and I don’t want to think about you in Mark’s huge bed, thank you very much.”
    “Then don’t. I’ve never slept in that bed. He bought a new one after I moved out.”
    “How about—I don’t want to think about you in any bed with Mark,” he growled.
    “Okay, subject change. What are you doing tomorrow? Want to go shopping for a new bed?”
    “If I get a bed…” He gave her a sly smile. “Will you occasionally sleep in it with me?”
    Ali laughed. “Yeah—I’m sure you’d love to have my screaming baby keeping you up all night.”
    “He can sleep over anytime he wants.” Johnny traced her lips with the tip of his finger. “I love being with you and Micah…and Jamie too.”
    “You don’t have to say that, you already got me in bed.”
    Johnny cleared his throat, trying to keep his tone light, but feeling her comment more than he wanted to admit. “That wasn’t a line, Ali.”
    She stiffened next to him and rubbed her hand up and down his chest. “I’m sorry…that wasn’t meant the way it sounded.”
    “Do you believe that’s the only reason I’m here?”
    “I don’t know. You could be with any woman you wanted…why would you be here with me.”
    “Why would I be with any other woman when I can have you? I remember the first time I laid eyes on you.”
    “I remember too,” she whispered.
    “You have no reason to trust me.” He kissed her lightly. “But soon you’ll realize that I’m never going to let you down.”
    “What about trusting me? With my history what makes you so sure of me?”
    “I wish you would stop being so down on yourself.”
    Her eyes darkened and that pissed him off. “You’re a good person and a terrific mother.” He pinched her nose, hoping to get a smile, but she just stared at him as if he had told her a dirty joke. “Repeat that,” he said. “I want to hear you say that out loud.”
    “Repeat after me ‘I’m a good person and a terrific mother’ .”
    Ali shook her head and lowered her eyes from his.
    “Yes…say it. ‘I’m a good person and a terrific mother’ .” Johnny couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Her eyes watered. He had made her cry with a compliment. “Are you crying?”
    “No…stop,” she said, her voice wavering.
    “You stop—say it now!” His voice was elevated and he was squeezing her. “You made some mistakes—don’t let those mistakes define who you are.”
    Tears spilled over her lids. It was the first time he’d seen her cry. After everything she’d been through over the past few months and everything she had faced that day with Carl, she had held back the tears and stood strong. It killed him that this single act of admitting she was a good person would break her. “Say it, sweetheart.”
    “I can’t say that and you don’t know me well enough to say it either.”
    “You’re wrong! I know you as well as I know myself.” Johnny tangled his hand in her long hair and gave it a tug, pulling her head back so he could see her face fully. “Say it, Ali.” He gritted his teeth, all the tenderness gone from his voice. “Say it now!”
    Ali squeezed her eyes shut and sobbed out, “I’m a good person and a terrific mother.” Johnny covered her mouth with his, devouring her as her chest heaved with her sobs.
    “It’s true…damn it…Ali.” Johnny grated out as she settled into his kiss.
    She tried to shake her head and disagree, but he held her in place with his hand still tangled in her hair. His other hand moving down her body and slipping between her legs, massaging her until she moved with him and toward him. “Damn you,” Johnny said through gritted teeth again, pressing against her. “You’re driving me crazy.”
    “—Johnny,” she cried out, arching off the bed, seeking

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