Stick Dog Slurps Spaghetti

Free Stick Dog Slurps Spaghetti by Tom Watson

Book: Stick Dog Slurps Spaghetti by Tom Watson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tom Watson
turned on the water at the sink and began to scrub the pot. He was turned around. His back was to the kitchen.
    Stick Dog scooted out from beneath the table. He stretched up, grabbed the plastic bag of meatballs as quickly and quietly as he could with his mouth.

    The chef didn’t see—or hear—a thing. The running water at the sink blocked out any other noise.
    Stick Dog stalked his way to the open door.He could hear a snippet of Penelope’s phone conversation.
    â€œCrystal! You’re not going to believe it!” she practically screamed from outside the open door. “Johnny texted me! OMG!”
    Stick Dog slipped outside, stepped out of that single cone of light, and escaped into the darkness of night.

    Stick Dog worked his way carefully to the empty cardboard boxes across the driveway. He circled wide in the darkness so Penelope would not spot him and then settled in behind a large box. He remained motionless and silent there. He watched and waited until Penelope pressed a button on her phone and pushed it into her pocket. She went back inside and shut the door.
    â€œYou guys!” Stick Dog called quietly, after setting down the bag of meatballs.
    It was quiet for a moment.
    Then Karen called back, “Is that you, Stick Dog?”
    She was under a box.

    Stick Dog smiled. “Yes.”
    â€œCan you be ‘it’?” asked Mutt from beneath a different box.
    â€œWe forgot to pick an ‘it’ again.” It was Poo-Poo.
    â€œIs it really you, Stick Dog?” called Stripes.
    â€œYes, it’s me. Everybody come out,” Stick Dog said.
    Mutt, Karen, Stripes, and Poo-Poo emerged from their hiding places. They all had questions for him.
    â€œHow’d you get out?” asked Karen.
    Poo-Poo asked, “Did you have to bite, chomp, chew, or gnaw any humans?”
    â€œDid you bring any more spaghetti?” asked Stripes.
    Mutt asked, “What’s in the bag?”
    â€œI’ll answer all your questions,” Stick Dog said with a smile on his face. He was so happy to be back with his friends. “But right now let’s get away from here. Let’s get back to the top of the hill where we came up.”
    They moved around the back corner of Tip-Top Spaghetti, along the side, and to the parking lot in front. They navigated their way across the lot, past the guardrail, and to the edge of the hill.
    â€œBefore I show you what’s in the bag,” said Stick Dog as his friends gathered around him, “I have to ask Karen a question.”
    â€œYes, Stick Dog? What is it?”
    â€œWhy on earth did you lick those shoes?”

    â€œThere was red sauce on them,” she answered simply. “There wasn’t enough to share. And it was right in front of my face. What choice did I have?”
    â€œWeren’t you scared?” asked Stick Dog.
    â€œScared of shoes?” asked Karen. She clearly thought the idea was preposterous. “Why would I be scared of shoes?”
    Stick Dog shook his head a bit. He understood now.
    â€œKaren,” he said kindly, “there was someone wearing the shoes.”
    â€œNo way. There was?”
    â€œYes,” Stick Dog said, and suppressed a laugh. “The big human with the puffy hat was wearing the shoes.”

    Karen’s eyes popped open wide with the sudden realization of what she had actually done. “Whoa,” she whispered. “I am SO brave.”
    Stick Dog smiled. “You certainly are.”
    His friends formed a semicircle around him, and he pushed the plastic bag before them.
    â€œWhat is that, Stick Dog?” Mutt asked again. “Why did you bring that with you?”
    â€œWell, I just felt so bad that we didn’t get to play tug-of-war,” Stick Dog said. There was something mischievous in his voice—as if he was about to spring a fun surprise on the group. His friends sensed it too.
    â€œCome on, Stick

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