Business and Pleasure (Lavender Lace, Book One)

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Book: Business and Pleasure (Lavender Lace, Book One) by Lynn Lafleur Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Lafleur
Tags: Erótica
and frowned at him.
    “No moving.”
    The expression on his face made her think of a child who’d been told there would be no dessert after dinner. “What?”
    “Lie still and let me play.”
    Keefe closed his eyes and swallowed. “You’re cruel as well as wicked.”
    “Careful what you call me. I do have teeth.”
    To prove her words, she scraped them over his sensitive tip. He hissed and grabbed her head with both hands.
    “ Fuck !”
    “Not yet. I’m not through playing.”
    He barked out a laugh that held frustration instead of humor. “You realize you’re about five seconds away from me throwing you to your back and fucking you until you can’t walk.”
    “I don’t think so.” She scraped her teeth over the tip again. “I think you like me playing.”
    “Playing is one thing. Driving me crazy is another.”
    Marci pressed her lips together to keep from laughing. Once she had regained control, she took the head of his rod back in her mouth. An inch at a time, she slid her lips down his hard flesh until she reached the base.
    “God,” he whispered.
    Up to the head, back down to the base, up to the head again. She swirled her tongue all over his cock, darted the tip into the slit. Keefe’s breathing grew heavy and choppy. Marci quickened her movements, sliding her mouth up and down as she caressed his balls.
    His body jerked, his warm essence filled her mouth. Marci continued to slowly move up and down his shaft until it softened and he lay still again.
    She moved to his side, resting on one elbow. She rarely let a man come in her mouth. With Keefe, it felt right and natural.
    He opened his eyes and looked at her. She saw satisfaction, with a trace of desire still present. He wrapped his hand around her neck and gently tugged.
    His kiss was tender and loving, so sweet it brought a lump to her throat. She went willingly when he urged her to her back and leaned over her. He cradled one breast, his thumb brushing the nipple, while he kissed her again and again.
    Keefe ended the kisses with a final swipe of his tongue across her lips. He leaned back so he could see her entire body. He stared at the feminine beauty lying by him. Her neatly trimmed pussy had only a small amount of dark blonde hair on her mound, leaving her outer lips smooth. Her breasts with the hard pink nipples were the perfect size to fill his hands. He saw no markings from a swimsuit on her breasts, but he could see the faint outline of a very skimpy bikini bottom.
    He ran one fingertip over her skin where pale met tan. “Whiter skin here, but your breasts are tan. You lay topless in the sun recently.”
    “I went to Jamaica in June.”
    He continued to trace the line of contrasting skin from hip to hip. “Alone?”
    She didn’t volunteer any other information, and he didn’t ask. It was none of his business if she went alone or with five men. She was here with him now. That’s all that mattered.
    Keefe kissed her mouth again, made his way down her throat and chest to one pouting nipple. He circled it with the tip of his tongue, closed his mouth over it and suckled. Her low moan encouraged him to continue. He sucked the other nipple, nipped the center of her stomach. He darted his tongue into her navel. Each hipbone received a soft kiss.
    He lay between her legs on his stomach and parted her sleek, swollen flesh with his thumbs. Her clit peeked out from its hood, begging for attention…attention he was only too happy to give.
    “You smell incredible.” He licked the full length of her pussy. “You taste even better.” He licked her from anus to clit again, drove his tongue into her channel. She tunneled her fingers into his hair and gently tugged until his tongue touched her clit again.
    “There,” she said, her voice breathless. “Lick me there.”
    “You played with me.” He dragged his thumb through her cream and spread it over her anus. “It’s only fair that I get to play too.”

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