Business and Pleasure (Lavender Lace, Book One)

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Book: Business and Pleasure (Lavender Lace, Book One) by Lynn Lafleur Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Lafleur
Tags: Erótica
oozed from her sheath. Keefe gathered more and transferred it to her anus. Marci’s breaths grew more ragged with each pass of his thumb over the sensitive area. She arched her hips, lifting her pussy closer to his mouth.
    Obeying her silent request, Keefe caressed her anus as he licked and sucked her clit. She cradled her breasts, rubbing and tugging on her nipples. He lifted his head so he could watch her touch herself, but continued to caress her with his thumb. Her eyes were closed, her head thrown back, her back arched. She was obviously lost in her own pleasure.
    God, she was beautiful.
    He pushed his thumb into her ass and started licking her labia again. He could feel the tightening in Marci’s thighs, a signal that her climax was close. Pushing his thumb farther into her ass, he licked her clit faster to try to drive her over the edge.
    She gasped and her back bowed. “Oh yes! Yes ! Right there. Keefe !” She grabbed handfuls of his hair and bucked against his mouth. The muscles in her anus contracted around his thumb. Her entire body trembled for several moments before she collapsed on the bed. Even after she stilled, he kept moving his tongue lightly over her creamy flesh, wanting to draw out her pleasure as long as possible.
    Her fingers traveled through his hair. Keefe licked the length of her pussy one more time before raising his head. He smiled when he saw the drowsy, satisfied look in her eyes. “Hey.”
    “Hey yourself.” She ran her fingers through his hair again. “I need a kiss.”
    Keefe rose over her body and covered her mouth with his. He kissed her as gently, as sweetly, as she’d kissed him a few minutes ago.
    “I’m not sure if my legs will work, but I’ll get you another glass of wine if you want it.”
    Marci smiled and shook her head. “I’m fine.”
    He kissed the tip of her nose. “Want to get under the covers?”
    She nodded. “Sleep would be good.”
    He helped her slip between the sheets before he got up and turned off the lamps. Climbing into bed beside her, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back against his chest. “Good night.”
    * * * * *
    The last bit of Marci’s dream disappeared as she came fully awake. She remembered something about passionate kisses and deep thrusts. Her pussy clenched when she realized she’d been dreaming of Keefe’s incredible lovemaking.
    Eyes still closed, she rolled to her back and stretched. Once she felt more awake, she turned her head on the pillow and opened her eyes.
    Instead of seeing Keefe peacefully sleeping next to her, she saw a note on his pillow. She propped up on one elbow and picked up the piece of paper.
    You’re beautiful when you sleep.
    I had to go to the grocery store. I promised you breakfast in bed and I always keep my promises.
    There’s a robe and slippers in my closet. The shoes will be too big for you, but they’ll keep your feet warm.
    Back soon.
    P.S. Don’t shower without me!
    P.S. #2 Coffeemaker’s all set. Just push the button to start it.
    Marci reread the first line. She wondered how long he’d watched her sleep, and why he didn’t wake her. Morning sex sounded perfect to her. For now, she’d have to settle for coffee.
    Not exactly a perfect substitution.
    She made use of the bathroom, then went in search of his robe and shoes. She stepped into a closet that was larger than her bedroom. Shelves and drawers filled one end. Railings ran down the full length on both sides. Keefe had hung his clothes on one side, what few clothes were there. Either he wore basically the same thing over and over or the rest of his clothes were boxed up in the garage.
    The robe hung on a hook on the back of the door. Marci slipped into it and tied the belt, then began to explore. She found briefs and socks in two of the drawers, sweatshirts and sweatpants on one of the shelves. A pair of slippers sat next to beat-up running shoes, and those sat next to black patent leather formal shoes.

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