Born In Blood (Born Hunter Book 1)

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Book: Born In Blood (Born Hunter Book 1) by Nia Davenport Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nia Davenport
hour. You may be good, but you’re not that good.”
                  “You don’t have to exaggerate your speed to get me to stay put. I may be reckless at times, but I am not jumping out of a moving anything, regardless of how fast it is going.”
                  A smile tugged at his lips. “I was not exaggerating.”
                  “Bullshit. This car tops out at two hundred and forty miles per hour.”
                  “Really. I may be a woman but I know cars as well as I know bikes. Call it a hobby.”
                  “Then you should know that if you have enough money and pull, max manufacturer speed doesn’t mean shit.” His lips turned up into a full on patronizing, egocentric, condescending, smile. Then he revved the engine and increased the McLaren’s speed to God knew what.
                  He did not flinch when the dagger buried itself in the soft leather beside his head. But his eyes glowed gold again in the darkness of the interior of the car and Cara could not miss the bulge that swelled in his pants even if she had wanted to.
                  Damn him . That was not the effect she was looking for. She wanted to aggravate him as much as she was aggravated. She wondered what it would take from her to get a true rise out of this vampire. Considering the reputation that preceded him and what she saw him do to Michaelson without so much as an ounce of remorse or hesitation, one would think she would think twice about trying to provoke him. But level headedness and self-preservation were not her strong suits. She was reckless at the best of times and operated with an outright disregard for her own conservation at the worst. Cara sighed then sat back in her seat and crossed her arms for added measure. She knew it looked childish but she didn’t give a shit. The vampire beside her was an arrogant, obnoxious, prick.

                  C ara stood in a rigid stance outside of what appeared to be an abandoned warehouse in the Meat Packing district. The innocent passerby would take the shoddy old brick building at face value for just that. However, Cara knew better. Like the blades she carried, her skill at sensing and tracking vampires was well honed and sharpened to a razor’s edge. Her feet might as well be cemented to the street because there was no way in hell she was moving another inch toward the building. She may behave as if she had a death wish from, but there was bravado and then there was stupidity. Willingly walking into a nest of unfamiliar vampires was the latter. Prince of Darkness at her side or not, she was not budging. She told Aiden as much and he of course thought it was all rather amusing.
                  “My accompaniment is all the protection that you need. Though you would be okay without me. I think you will find that the vampires inside have more… colorful concerns.”
                  There was an amused glint in his eyes when he said that last part that did not sit well with Cara. It was as if he knew of a joke she was unaware of but was about to become the butt of. Do not punch the heir to the vampire throne in his face. Do not punch the heir to the vampire throne in his face, Cara pleaded with herself. A day ago she feared doing so would result in a painfully slow and brutal ending to her life and all out war between the Hunters and the Vampires. Reiya would never let her death go unavenged. Now she feared it would do nothing more than arouse the vampire standing on the sidewalk beside her. The latter outcome disturbed her more.
                  “Is the big fierce hunter who fancies herself a badass with a cause afraid to walk into a warehouse with a handful of vampires,” Aiden mocked her.
                  “I am not afraid,” she snapped. She hated being mocked. “I would just

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