Born In Blood (Born Hunter Book 1)

Free Born In Blood (Born Hunter Book 1) by Nia Davenport

Book: Born In Blood (Born Hunter Book 1) by Nia Davenport Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nia Davenport
restaurant the sky conveniently decided to open up. The late night shower that poured forth persuaded her to take Aiden up on his offer to have her bike delivered to her apartment. She hated the rain, especially in mid-February when the temperatures were still freezing.
                  She finally lost it when Aiden hit a curve at breakneck speed then topped off the dash at 240. “Are you trying to kill me again?!” She yelled as her life flashed before her eyes. “You clearly have no qualms with totaling a car that costs five times the amount of the average person’s yearly salary, but I have a great many qualms with you totaling me out.”
                                Aiden’s mouth twitched slightly at its corners. Then he sent her into a full out apoplectic fit by completely taking his eyes off the road and focusing them on her. In response, a full out laugh burst forth from him.
                  “I’m glad you find my imminent death amusing,” Cara scowled.
                  “I didn’t peg you for the melodramatic sort.” His eyes were still on her and not the road.
                  “I’m not. I am the practical, I want to live to kill a vampire another day sort. If you lose control of this fancy sports car and smash us into a light post or building or oncoming vehicle, your near immortal ass will survive unscathed, I will not.”
                  Aiden gave her a smoldering look that could ignite a flame from thin air. “I don’t lose control. Ever .”
    “Sure you don’t,” Cara said in a patronizing tone.
                  He refused to take the bait. “If you don’t believe me, I would be happy to thoroughly demonstrate it in numerous ways with multiple trials if you want proof.”
                  “Thanks, but I’m not interested,” she declined a little too quickly.
                  “Are you sure? You might learn a thing or two. Even enjoy it.” Aiden winked at her.
                  She rolled her eyes. “I doubt it, on both accounts. There is nothing I need to learn from a vampire except new and creative ways to kill your kind. And are you all this egocentric? Is that what you tell yourselves, that humans enjoy it , to make the act of tearing your fangs into their flesh somewhat less barbaric?”
                  Aiden looked more surprised than offended by her comment. “You’ve never been bitten by a vampire have you?”
                  “Of course not,” Cara scoffed. “I’m too good for that. Any vampire who gets close enough ends up with a dagger through their heart.”
                  “Do you know anyone who has been?”
                  “I only associate with Hunters. Those who have been did not live to tell about it.”
                  Aiden smirked at her. “I meant willingly.”
                  “Why would anyone willingly be bitten by a vampire? Unless they were into some kind of weird, extreme S&M shit, but again I am surrounded by Hunters. Most would never put themselves in the position of prey.”
                  Aiden shook his head.
                  “What?” Cara asked him.
                  “I can show you better than I can tell you.” He hit a sharp u-turn and made a left when he should have been making a right to continue in the direction of her apartment.
                  “Where are you…”
    “To educate you.” Aiden cut her off before she could finish the question.
                  “And what if I don’t want to be educated?” She did not like surprises or unknowns.
                  Aiden shrugged his infuriating shoulders. She was growing damned tired of him doing it. “Too bad…unless you want to try your luck jumping out of a moving car at three hundred and eighty miles an

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