Dr. O

Free Dr. O by Robert W. Walker

Book: Dr. O by Robert W. Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert W. Walker
right? World War Two? I know all about you, Swisher."
    "You think so?"
    "And, in many ways, I understand and sympathize with you."
    Swisher gave her a skeptical look, wondering what she was getting at, but he said nothing.
    She continued to fondle the M-16 and talk. "I've lost people close to me. I know how badly you feel. I know how guilty you feel."
    "Guilty? Not me, lady."
    "Yes, guilty. Any cop who loses a partner wonders why it wasn't him... or her, that got it."
    He frowned. "Maybe."
    "I know how the hate takes hold."
    "Don't expect me to bow and scrape shit off your shoes, Thorpe."
    "I know, you've got your own shit to clean up."
    "So, what're you saying? That we're alike? Not in your wildest dreams, Thorpe."
    "Just wanted to leave you with another file."
    "What's this?" he asked, taking it and the heavy rifle from her. He put the M-16 back in its place, realizing that the barrel now smelled like her, as did the file. He lingered over the odor a moment.
    "All I have on what happened to my partner at the hands of this maniac we're after."
    "All right. I'll look it over."
    "This man is more than just a maniac, he's a cunning maniac. Listen, despite what your partner thinks-"
    "Leave Robyn out of this. I have."
    "Despite what she thinks, I didn't come here to see you killed."
    "But you won't shed too many tears if I am."
    She stared at him. "I only want to bury Ovierto." She turned from him and walked away, speaking. "Just a bit of advice from someone who knows what Maurice Ovierto is capable of. You read about the death of Lady Hugh Cartier? The English scientist who died in England a week ago?"
    "I seem to recall something about it; reported as an accident."
    "Read the Scotland Yard report in your files. They figure he spent some time before he pushed her over into that ravine, just to watch her scream and beg mercy before he turned her and her lawyer into ashes. He's a psycho, and to get him, everything you need will be placed at your disposal. I have a chopper on standby at O'Hare for you, and a mobile unit with communications equipment parked outside right this moment."
    "I see you've thought of everything. You are worried about me, aren't you?" he replied in a flippant tone, going to the window that overlooked Kedzie, where he stared down at the unmarked van across the street.
    "Get familiar with the two scientists at risk."
    "Which one do you figure to be next?"
    "What is that, Italian?"
    "Ibi Oliguerri is Nigerian."
    "Look for a black guy in a white lab coat, huh?"
    "Picture is in the file, and please take care of those records."
    Swisher shrugged, poured himself another drink and said, "Hey, unless some overachiever with too much time on his —or her —hands steals them, they're in good hands. Besides, you must have copies."
    "Joe —can I call you, Joe?"
    "Make it Swish."
    "All right, Swish, this is all hush-hush; a leak in the wrong dike and we all drown, you understand?"
    She wheeled at the door, staring back at him, her eyes boring into his. "Swish, let's try to put the past behind us."
    "You're just trying to play me for a fool, Donna."
    "I only have one aim in all this, Joe."
    He smirked. "Yeah, to get me into bed."
    "To get Ovierto in the neck."
    He rushed at her, his eyes blazing. "No matter how you do it? No matter who gets killed, like your pal, Sykes? Or me?"
    "You've got all the answers, or so you think. Get your head out of that bottle long enough to smell the blood! This guy's a psycho and he will leave a trail of bodies in your city that—"
    "Yes, damnit."
    "Is that right?"
    "Bank on it. Anyone who gets in his way, anyone he must use hell kill. Hell, he'll kill for the use of a ballpoint pen if it helps him achieve his ends. You may think you are ruthless in your desire to see an end to these two men you've hounded through the years, Swisher, but beside Maurice Ovierto you're a charitable and good citizen of the realm."
    "Get to Oliguerri as soon as you

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