Jingle Bell Blessings

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Book: Jingle Bell Blessings by Bonnie K. Winn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie K. Winn
    Chloe smiled, then turned back to the sideboard.
    Not that he cared about her opinion. Yet Evan snuck a quick look to see if she was still amused. She had one of those faces that looked perpetually happy. Oh, he’d seen a few angry expressions, but on the whole…
    Chloe placed a stack of plates on the sideboard and turned to him. “Where do we find the tablecloth?”
    â€œIt’s probably in the side kitchen.”
    She looked at him blankly.
    â€œIt’s what city people call a butler’s pantry where all the kitchen stuff is stored. It’s next to the washroom. Thelma always washes and irons the tablecloth so it’ll be fresh for the dinner, then lays it out in the side kitchen.”
    â€œOh. I’ll get it then.” Chloe disappeared into the kitchen.
    A few minutes later she reemerged, her petite figure nearly hidden by the huge tablecloth.
    â€œYou could have asked for help,” he told her, lifting thelinen cloth out of her arms. For a moment, he was face to face with her. Close enough to see the light sprinkle of freckles over her nose, the creamy smoothness of her skin.
    Her gem-like eyes darkened to a near emerald shade. And he noticed the thready pulse at the base of her throat. Nerves? Or something else?
    Long, dark lashes framed her eyes. Details he hadn’t noticed? Or had ignored?
    Abruptly, Evan stepped back. He had no need for these thoughts. Nor did he want them. His attraction to women had died with Robin. She had been the only woman for him and he had vowed to love her forever.
    Echoing his movement, Chloe retreated as well, turning to the sideboard. “I don’t know how many more plates to take down.”
    He cleared his throat, but his voice still sounded rusty. “Thelma has the exact count.”
    â€œI’ll ask her then.” In a rush, Chloe practically ran from the room.
    Evan exhaled. His face felt warm, flushed. And he didn’t intend to let it happen again.
    By two o’clock the house was full of people. Chloe hadn’t known exactly what to expect, but she was surprised by the variety of guests. Several elderly people, eager for the company, chatted nonstop.
    Thelma’s appetizers were a huge hit. Crab puffs, stuffed mushrooms, bacon-speared water chestnuts, red pepper cheese straws, tiny German onion tarts, spinach squares, mini pastries stuffed with locally made sausage. The enticing trays contained more food than Chloe could remember at any of her family holidays.
    She recognized the man she had met at the Mitchell Company offices. “Mr. Perkin?”
    â€œMiss Reed?”
    â€œChloe.” She extended her hand. “It’s nice to see a familiar face.”
    â€œCrowd gets a little bigger every year.”
    â€œDo many people from the company come for Thanksgiving?”
    â€œThe Mitchells collect strays. People who are alone, or don’t have the means to buy a decent holiday dinner. And then just old friends.”
    â€œIt’s nice.”
    â€œGordon started the tradition. Evan expanded it.”
    She was surprised. “Evan?”
    Perkin nodded. “Where’s the little boy?”
    â€œWith the older Mr. Mitchell. He’s really taken a shine to Jimmy.”
    The man seemed to be appraising her. Chloe felt like she had on job interviews and had to fight the immediate desire to try and look more professional.
    â€œGordon’s always been good with children.”
    Sensing no judgment in his words, she relaxed a fraction.
    â€œJimmy’s a great kid. He’s fitting right in at the school.”
    Mr. Perkin popped a hot crab puff in his mouth. “Leaves you with a lot of time on your hands, I suppose.”
    â€œYes, actually it does. I’m so used to being in an office ten hours a day—”
    â€œYes.” She studied him, wondering at his interest. “I’ve had plenty of experience. I started while I was

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