Jingle Bell Blessings

Free Jingle Bell Blessings by Bonnie K. Winn

Book: Jingle Bell Blessings by Bonnie K. Winn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie K. Winn
Sean’s chairs empty, knowing no one else should fill them. But his father’s gentle guidance helped him accept the inevitable. Two retired employees, both widowers, now occupied those seats. It would have been difficult to see anyone in places once occupied by Robin and Sean, but these old, and now alone, friends helped ease the transition. Since his life now revolved around business rather than family, Evan was able to welcome everyone to Thanksgiving that year and the next. Evan frowned. Almost everyone. Chloe and Jimmy didn’t belong among old and trusted friends. He still had to learn the woman’s true motive for sticking like a thorn. Jimmy…The boy needed family, but Evan wasn’t that family.
    How many more years could he offer a full Thanksgiving table to his employees? If the business failed, he would no longer have the resources. And all of his people would be without jobs, possibly losing their homes. The weight settled in to a knot in his shoulders. He had to keep them solvent, keep them from losing everything.
    Thelma pushed open the door to the kitchen. “You two hustle! I still have to set the table.”
    Evan had grown up with Thelma bossing him and didn’t mind her orders. “Sure you don’t want us to set it for you?”
    Thelma plopped work-worn hands on her hips. “That’s the first helpful thing you’ve said today.”
    Ned rolled his eyes, then followed his wife into the kitchen.
    Evan angled the last chair into position.
    â€œWow. I didn’t know there would be so many people,” Chloe murmured from behind him.
    He should have made his escape with Ned. “It’s a tradition.”
    â€œNice one. My family’s small so we didn’t have big celebrations.”
    â€œNo extended family?”
    â€œNot close by. My parents moved to Milwaukee before I was born. Their families stayed in rural Wisconsin.”
    â€œFor a job?”
    She nodded. “My dad’s parents owned an apple orchard, but Dad was an engineer. So he had to go where the jobs were.”
    â€œWisconsin makes me think of cheese, not fruit.”
    â€œWe have a little of that, too,” she replied drily. He silently acknowledged her subtle rebuke. “So what’s rural Wisconsin like?”
    â€œA lot like here, actually. Gentle, rolling hills, fruit orchards. More lakes than you can count.” Reminiscing, she walked closer. “I spent my summers in the country with my grandparents. The city’s great, but the country’s…special.”
    When Chloe spoke, her eyes brightened, taking on the hue of green sapphires. It was the clear, clean green of fresh apples. Ironic, he mused, since she’d just spoken of the orchards. He remembered that her eyes could also ripen from jade to emerald. His gaze drifted to her mouth. Caught in her memories, Chloe’s lips were almost like a kewpie doll’s. The same lips that widened easily into a big smile. Catching himself, Evan stopped ruminating.
    â€œCan I help?”
    He frowned. “What?”
    â€œWith the table. I heard Thelma when I was coming in.”
    â€œShouldn’t you be watching Jimmy?”
    â€œYour father is.”
    Evan searched for another excuse. Next to him, Bailey thumped his tail helpfully. “The plates are in the sideboard.”
    â€œNow I know why Thelma’s been bustling around all week,” Chloe mused. “All the baking, chopping…” Her voice turned nostalgic. “A real family gathering.”
    â€œYeah. Well.” Uncomfortable, Evan opened the silver chest, digging through pieces that had been in the Mitchell family for generations. Thelma wouldn’t appreciate his actions. She had just polished all the flatware. Retrieving forks, spoons and butter knives, he piled them on the table.
    Thelma pushed open the swinging door from the kitchen, assessing his actions. “You have to put the tablecloth on

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