SEAL Kissed: A Navy SEAL Military Romance (Hot Dirty SEALS Book 1)

Free SEAL Kissed: A Navy SEAL Military Romance (Hot Dirty SEALS Book 1) by Mia Kenney

Book: SEAL Kissed: A Navy SEAL Military Romance (Hot Dirty SEALS Book 1) by Mia Kenney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Kenney
laves me is sending my body over a glorious edge. And edge I have never been on before and I can’t wait to fly over. I palm my breasts and squeeze my nipples harder. And that’s all it takes to make me soar. Eyes rolling to the back of my head, my body is racked with a million jolts of electricity tearing through it.

    N o longer able to support myself, I collapse, the broad strength of his shoulders holding me up, his face still buried in the juncture of my thighs. The after effect of my very first orgasm still rippling in my veins, my pussy quivering and fluttering around his relentless tongue.

    T he warmth in my lower abdomen begins so spread again. My hands grasp his head, fingers flexing and pulling as his magic mouth has my body clenching and begging for more.

    “ C ome on Emerson baby , come again for me,” he’s talking into my pussy and I’m barely coherent. The vibrations of his words sending an electric thrill deep into me.

    “ I can’t , I don’t think I can.” I mumble in a dazed state as my body is coming down from a high it has never experienced before. My limbs feel like jelly.

    T he rumble starts low in my belly, the pressure building and spreading like a raging wildfire. His tongue impales me deeper than before and Reed is fucking me with his mouth like his life depends on it. He tilts his head from side to side, licking and sucking my inner walls. The parts of me that have never been touched are now pulsing and throbbing around a man's tongue. And then, with a slight tilt of his head, his tongue strokes a bundle of nerves I never knew existed. Somewhere in the distance, in the fog of lust surrounding us, I hear my desperate voice chanting his name, pleading for more.

    I feel his huge arms wrapping around me, lifting and carrying me through my apartment like a small child. Too dazed and sated to speak, my head lulls against his warm chest. He makes me feel pretty and cherished in a way I’ve never experienced. The words haven’t come yet but his actions tell me I will always be safe with him. Pressing my hand on his rock hard chest I cover his heart, and hope he feels what I’m feeling too.

Chapter Thirteen

    T he pounding of his heart echoes in my ear. Sparks flare through me as I visualize myself being taken by this force of nature. Everything about him is so big and broad, and I can’t wait to have him in me, my body purring to life as sinful ideas sprout in my imagination.
    His heavy boot kicks my bedroom door open. My sex begins to throb, already clenching in anticipation to be taken by his mouth.
    “Mmm, Reed,” I mumble breathlessly into his tight fitting midnight black t-shirt. He doesn’t reply, only squeezes me tighter with his tatted biceps before disrobing me and lying me down on my bed. The cool sheets sting my over sensitized skin. Dappled sunlight makes his shadowed face darker and more dangerous. “Are you going to fuck me?” My words come out as more of a hopeful statement than a question. I feel like a wanton whore. But only for this man.
    “No,” his words sting. “I already told you I don’t fuck virgins.” His baritone voice is coarse like sandpaper. Disappointment washes over me, and I wonder what is so wrong with my body and causes him not to want it. After kissing and licking me all over, he still refuses to put his dick in me. My heart is breaking and he doesn’t even know it. He warned me he was a dirty bastard and I have no one to blame but myself. I’m not sure why I ever thought he would break his virgin rule for a plain girl like me.
    “Well then, I guess I’ll get someone else to deflower me,” my words a hidden plea for mercy, a weak attempt to disguise the anger that’s now simmering below the surface.
    A deep growl escapes him and his six four frame expands over me, making me feel petite and vulnerable.
    “Open your legs for me Emerson.” It’s not a request, but a demand, an order I have every intent of following.

    T he sound

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