Taken (Calliston Series - Book 1)

Free Taken (Calliston Series - Book 1) by Erica Conroy

Book: Taken (Calliston Series - Book 1) by Erica Conroy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erica Conroy
On the bright side, he hadn't insulted anyone's parentage. At least not yet.
    A question regarding the exchange of prisoners of war was directed to Viktor. He was about to respond when a disturbance at the other end of the auditorium drew everyone's attention. The double doors flung open and what Viktor could only describe as three ethereal beings glided into the room.
    All eyes were inexplicably drawn to them. In Common, Viktor whispered to Tarn, "What is that?"
    "The Orka," Tarn replied.
    Viktor couldn't believe his eyes. "They don't look like any Orka I've seen," he muttered.
    "They are the males," said Tarn.
    "They're beautiful."
    A small contingent of females fell into step behind them and the moment was shattered. The females were large and hideous by contrast. Viktor still had a hard time believing that these were even the same species. He made a note on his tablet to investigate this species further. He would need to know everything about his competition if he hoped to beat them.
    A Lyrissian male stepped forward. He had been rendered almost invisible by the bright light emanating from the Orka males. He led the Orka onto the stage. His movements were confident and purposeful, his grin almost feral.
    "Important members of the lesser government," he said by way of greeting. Then he acknowledged the rest in the room. "Fellow Lyrissians. Peacetalker Tarn. U-man peacetalker. May I present to you the Orka delegation, the three sons of their exalted leader, Vi, Iv and Ro. Oh, and some of his daughters."
    A great show was made by all of welcoming the new delegation. Viktor noted he was outnumbered nine to one. Another way of looking at it was approximately six billion and nine to one. He plastered on a big smile and got his first proper look at his opposition. His first observation was correct. They were beautiful. He wasn't yet sure if the Lyrissians agreed; however, some of their number seemed more accepting of the Orka than of him. Instead of frowning, he widened his grin. He would not be beaten so easily.
    * * *
    The session was prematurely brought to an end for the day due to the unexpected arrival of the Orka. S'rea waited with Harom, her two sisters and niece for her father and the U-man. V'rea and A'ea were quietly sharing their opinions regarding Lyrissia's options with each other. S'rea pretended to ignore them while eavesdropping. She was saddened to hear her intelligent sisters thinking the Orka were the better option. How could females, ones she was related to by blood, even consider those bloodthirsty aggressors as the lesser evil?
    S'rea was saved from opening her mouth and berating her sisters when her father arrived with the U-man in tow. He quickly made introductions and, as usual, he smiled warmly and made small talk. All was going fine until Ne'a opened her mouth.
    "Can I see the hair on your chest?" she asked innocently.
    A'ea grabbed her daughter and gave her a good scolding while Viktor raised an amused eyebrow at S'rea. "You're giving me a reputation," he said.
    "I was merely providing them with my observations of you," S'rea told him as they walked to the waiting vehicle that would take them all to her father's home. "They asked."
    "Of course," he said with a grin. When they reached the vehicle, he declared, "Ladies first."
    S'rea's sisters looked at him blankly before turning to their sister for explanation. "He is allowing you to enter first. I do not know why he says it either."
    "I'm not allowing ," he told them. "I just thought they might like to choose the best seats."
    Ne'a whooped and jumped into the vehicle without further prompting. She seated herself next to her grandfather. "I like him," she whispered quietly to Tarn.
    "You have a fan," S'rea informed Viktor. The look on his face showed he had not heard Ne'a at all. She exhaled in frustration and blamed his inferior ears. Maybe, she conceded, she could see how the Orka were currently the more popular option.
    When they had all climbed on

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