The Fourth Trumpet

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Book: The Fourth Trumpet by Theresa Jenner Garrido Read Free Book Online
Authors: Theresa Jenner Garrido
Tags: young adult horror
with a flashlight. After what the old man said about seeing their feeble lights, it made Andrea eerie just thinking that their lights could attract that much attention. It seemed impossible, really, and she doubted the old reverend actually had seen their light, but just to be on the safe side, she’d stumble in the dark. Thor, who hadn’t gone with Keith, followed.
    The back door was open a crack, which was understandable. Keith would have his hands full and wouldn’t want to bother with trying to open a closed door. She stepped out onto the small back porch and peered through the thick, enveloping blackness.
    No sounds, no movement. Anywhere. Surely, she’d be able to see Keith’s flashlight from here. Wouldn’t she? Her thoughts a mile away, she patted the top of Thor’s head. He sat on his haunches close beside her, drops of spittle making splats on the wooden floor.
    She wanted to call out Keith’s name, but fear kept her mute. She couldn’t risk rousing one of the things .
    And then she sensed something.
    She didn’t hear or see anything. But she sensed it.
    Something was out there, but hanging back, waiting. Waiting for what? For her to come running out in search of Keith? She grabbed the dog’s collar and tightened her fist. Where was Keith, anyway? Why didn’t he come back? The same fear that had kept her silent now loosened her tongue.
    “Keith! Keith! Can you hear me? Keith?”
    No answer.
    “Keith! Please answer me! Keith, where are you?”
    A movement from behind made Andrea let out a frightened yelp. Eleazar put a hand on her shoulder. “Hush, dear girl, it is only I.”
    “Oh! Sir, you scared me half to death.” She swallowed. “Something is out there. And I can’t see Keith. I should be able to see his flashlight from here. The creek is only a little ways away. Down there.” She pointed a trembling hand in the general direction of the gurgling stream.
    Eleazar leaned forward, straining to pierce the cloak of darkness that prevented him from seeing. He grunted. “I do not see anything, my dear. Are you sure he is still down there?”
    “He has to be. He hasn’t come back, and there sure as heck isn’t any place else he’d want to go.”
    They remained on the porch for several minutes and listened. Finally, drawing a deep but ragged breath, Andrea whispered, “I have to go out and find him. He may be in trouble.”
    “Send the dog.”
    “What? Send Thor? I don’t know. He might not go. He isn’t as protective of Keith as he is of me.”
    “Okay.” Andrea bent down and held the German shepherd’s face in both hands. Looking deep into his soulful brown eyes, she gave her command. “Thor, find Keith. Find Keith. Go. Find Keith, boy.” She shoved the dog forward with her knee. He bounded down the few steps and was swallowed instantly by the ominous Nothing.
    The old pastor and she waited, neither one attempting to take a breath or move an inch. They waited and again Andrea felt herself straining to hear something. Was Keith dead? Would they find him later, lying on his back, staring into infinity like the Martins? Andrea closed her eyes as a sinuous dread slithered down her back.

    “‘For there will be a great tribulation,’” Eleazar muttered.
    Andrea allowed a glance in his direction. “What’d you say?”
    “I was just praying, my dear. Do not pay any attention to a silly, old man.”
    Andrea didn’t. Instead, she put her whole attention on the desolate scene before her, the swirling, smoky blackness that’d taken over the land—the entire world, for all she knew. She wanted to scream or pull her hair out. She wanted to hit something…or somebody.
    Something dreadful had happened to Keith. Nothing would keep him out there this long. It should’ve taken him only minutes to fill the bucket, grab the other—darkness or no darkness. The things had gotten him. That was all she could think about. The things were out there lying in wait for their prey,

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