Crandalls' Castle

Free Crandalls' Castle by Betty Ren Wright

Book: Crandalls' Castle by Betty Ren Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Betty Ren Wright
about the funny things their grandpa did.”
    I’ve never heard anyone talk like that before. Not the Stengels or the Wagners, or anyone else I’ve lived with. They talked about work and about money, and I guess they made jokes once in a while, but I don’t remember them.
    â€œWill wants to get started over at the Castle today,” Lilly said. “He’s going to ask if you’d like to help—he’d pay you, of course. I just want to be sure you understand you don’t have to do it, Sophia. When he gets excited about a project, he assumes everyone else is as thrilled as he is. They sometimes aren’t, but that enthusiasm is one of the things I love most about him.”
    I’d already made up my mind not to work at the Castle—I told you that. I don’t want to spend a lot of time with Charli. I don’t like the looks of that creepy old house. I’m worried about Will. None of that had changed, but somehow it didn’t matter right then. I guess I was having a Crandall Moment of my own because I said, “It’s okay. I’ll help.” I want to feel like a part of the family in every way I can, for as long as they’ll let me.

Chapter Twelve
    â€œUncle Will is going to start working over at the Castle today,” Charli’s mother said. “He called before you got up to see if you were ready.”
    For the first time in her life Charli was glad she had a dentist’s appointment.
    â€œI can’t,” she said quickly. “I have to see Dr. Geder, remember?”
    â€œWhat about this afternoon, then?” her mother said. “You could go for a couple of hours, couldn’t you? Just to show we support him.”
    â€œBut do we want to support him?” Ray asked, looking up from the morning paper. “As far as I’m concerned, he’s making the biggest mistake of his life.”
    Good! Charli thought. He’s taking my side. Then he spoiled it by adding, “But you need something to do this summer, Charli. I suppose helping Will is better than nothing.”
    â€œSophia’s going to be there,” her mother added. “That should be more fun than working by yourself.”
    They were ganging up on her—her mother, Ray, Uncle Will, even Miss Perfect Sophia, who was willing to help when Uncle Will’s own niece would rather go to the dentist.
    â€œThat old house is scary.” She had to say it. “I hate it!”
    Her mother looked surprised, and Ray stared at her. “Scary?” He repeated the word slowly, as if he’d never heard it before. “How old are you, Charli, my girl? Do you really believe every old house is scary?”
    â€œNo, not every one,” she began. The words faded under Ray’s disapproving look. “Ask Dan,” she tried again. “We heard voices upstairs, and I saw a shadow—”
    Ray shook his head. “Please spare me,” he said. “I don’t want to hear about it.”
    â€œJust give it a try, dear,” Rona suggested. “You love Uncle Will.…”
    â€œLove has nothing to do with it,” Ray interrupted. “You know I think that so-called Castle is a lost cause, but at least it will give Charli something to do. I hate to see her lying around watching TV and reading all summer. She needs exercise.” Then he clapped his hands and grinned. “End of lecture,” he said briskly. “Do you want a ride to the dentist’s office, Charli?”
    â€œI’ll take my bike,” Charli said. “For exercise.” She suspected the “lecture” might begin again in the car.
    It was after two before she finally ran out of excuses and set off for the Castle—the long way. As soon as she turned onto the lake road she could see Uncle Will out in front of the house, picking up scraps of paper and soda cans and dropping them into one of the two trash bags he dragged behind

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