One True Mate 1: Shifter's Sacrifice

Free One True Mate 1: Shifter's Sacrifice by Lisa Ladew

Book: One True Mate 1: Shifter's Sacrifice by Lisa Ladew Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Ladew
Tags: General Fiction
continuing, as if he were getting tired. Trevor hated to see the signs of his age. “But the humans started getting hurt, and sick, and disappearing. When his favorite human didn’t come to him for forty days, The Light sent Rhen to earth to see what was going on. Rhen found Khain, traveling from village to village, destroying them all with fire and explosions, or sickness and madness. Rhen didn’t understand it. She loved the humans as much as The Light did and she questioned Khain as to why he would destroy them. He said they were unhappy, miserable creatures who could barely take care of themselves, and all he had ever met wanted to die, wanted to not exist on earth anymore.”
    Trevor snorted. He’d never heard this version of Khain’s motives before. “A regular humanitarian.”
    Wade nodded. “That’s how he played it off, like he was doing them a favor. Rhen said Khain had gathered a band of humans to travel with him and do his bidding. Wash him, feed him, kill other humans for fun. Rhen said Khain made her watch one such escapade and it turned her stomach. Khain’s human was large and strong and Khain sent him after a much smaller man. Rhen stepped in, not allowing the first human to finish his hunt. She and Khain battled fiercely, and she managed to drive Khain off. She said she was lucky, because she and Khain seemed to be exactly matched, and for every power she has, he has an equal and opposing power. They fought for months, burning the earth in their wake. The Light sent the angels down to help Rhen, but some of them went to Khain’s side, whether by trickery or will, no one knows. The Light called these renegade angels back to him, merging them with him, but each time he did, he seemed to weaken. Rhen said she called out to The Light many times, but he would never take direct action against Khain. To do so would upset the balance, was all he would say on the matter.”
    “Just when Rhen thought the battle could never end, the moon became heavy in the sky and their fighting crossed through the territory of a pack of timber wolves who were out hunting. Rhen called out to the wolves for help and they responded, surrounding and attacking Khain. The distraction was what she needed to gain the advantage and she struck Khain a finishing blow. He retreated, wounded, disappearing into the Pravus for centuries.”
    Wade stopped, eyeing Trevor, seeing if he was keeping up. Trevor nodded at him. He’d heard much of this in songs and nursery rhymes and bed-time stories, but never with this kind of surety and detail.
    Wade half-smiled. “Rhen was wounded herself, tired and aching from battle, but she did not retreat. She went to the alpha of the clan and thanked him and his wolves deeply for their courage and fierceness, then offered him the only thing she had to give. A piece of herself which would provide strength and power to his descendants forever after. You know the rest of this part of the story, I’m sure.”
    Trevor smiled. “Of course.” He felt pride pulse through him at the actions of his brave ancestors, a thick swath of tingles and emotion marching from his breastbone to the top of his head. He touched his left shoulder with his right hand, running his fingers over the renqua there, causing it to prickle. Wade ran his fingers over his own renqua , a source of pride and honor for all shiften , and a reminder of their purpose and connection to the deae Rhen.
    Wade bobbed his head, looking more tired. “Every piece of herself that Rhen gave out that night weakened her even more, until she finally had to retreat also. The felen have watched over her body for centuries, just as we have guarded the humans, our constant battle with Khain evolving every century. When he emerged from the Pravus to find us millions strong and completely organized, he knew he couldn’t beat us, and that is why he came up with the plan to kill our females. The half-breeds we make with humans just aren’t strong enough to

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