With His Ring  (Brides of Bath Book 2)
attractiveness. Let Blanks know that other men found her desirable. Knowing that Blanks avoided
dancing tonight—except the one dance with her—she decided to play
up to Mr. Jefferson while Blanks watched.
    She tossed her head back and laughed
playfully. "Really, Mr. Jefferson, you are much too kind."
    "Truthful, not kind."
    "Since we are being truthful, you must tell
me why it is you have never married. You are older than my
betrothed, are you not?"
    He nodded. "I'm two and thirty."
    "Two and thirty!" she exclaimed. "How is it
you have avoided matrimony for so many seasons?"
    He tightened his hold on her and spoke in a
low, husky voice. "It seems all the women who appeal to me are
someone else's wife."
    "Oh, dear."
    "I'm giving you fair warning that I will not
let a wedding ring stop me from showering attentions upon you."
    "Oh, dear."
    * * *
    Though he continued to chat with his
friends, Gregory never let Glee stray from his vision. He did not
at all like what he saw. The dandy and Glee looked good together.
He showered her with the attentions Gregory had failed to give her.
And he held her far too tightly. And why did the bodice of Glee's
blasted dress have to be so wretchedly low?
    Gregory decided it was a very good thing,
indeed, that he would not allow Glee to escape his scrutiny. Glee
was far too innocent and trusting for the likes of William
Jefferson. Gregory would have to be her protector.
    Oddly, it was a role he was not adverse

Chapter 8

    During the well-lit walk from the Assembly
Rooms to the hotel, Gregory had few words for Glee and Diana.
    "Does the location of the Harrison House
suit you, Blanks?" Glee asked, looking up into his inscrutable
    He nodded. "It's a very fine location. Most
convenient. But you must stop calling it the Harrison House. It
will be our house in a matter of weeks."
    Our house . This was the first time
she had thought of anything as ours . Her heart tripped.
"Yes, the Blankenship House. I like the sound of it very much," she
said. "Have you begun to make the necessary arrangements for its
    "I'm talking with my solicitor tomorrow. I
shall tell him we desire to occupy it immediately upon our marriage
in three weeks’ time."
    Our marriage . At least he was no
longer afraid to say it. "Then I take it there's to be no
honeymoon." She stated it matter-of-factly, hoping disappointment
did not creep into her voice. She should have known there would be
no honeymoon, since the marriage was not to be a real marriage in
the accepted sense. Of course Blanks would be anxious to return to
his friends in Bath. After all, she had encouraged him to continue
as he always had. Hadn't she told him their marriage would alter
    He turned to her. "I had not given any
thought to a honeymoon. Does that disappoint you?"
    "Of course not," she said cheerfully. "I'm
looking forward to setting up our house . It will be great
fun." She must never initiate anything—even a desired
honeymoon—that would be unpleasant to Blanks. She'd already heaped
enough unpleasantness upon him. Now she would spend her life making
it up to him.
    When they reached the hotel lobby, he said
his farewells, then met Glee's gaze. "Will you do me the goodness
of meeting me at the Pump Room in the morning?" Then as an
afterthought, he glanced at Diana. "You and Lady Sedgewick, that
    Glee looked at Diana, then back to Gregory.
"We should love it. Nine o'clock?"
    He grimaced. "Nine o'clock it shall be."
    Glee turned to Diana. "I'll have a private
word with Blanks, if it does not offend you."
    Diana gave the couple a knowing smile. "I
should be offended if the two of you do not have a private moment
together." She turned and entered the hotel.
    Blanks shot Glee a quizzing look.
    Her heart drummed. "I just wanted you to
know I saw you with your mistress today. You don't have to hide
anything from me." Her seeming acceptance took a good deal of
bravado she was far from feeling.
    "Bloody hell, Glee! I know

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