With His Ring  (Brides of Bath Book 2)
marriage to Miss Pembroke to change my
activities in any way."
    This comment failed to elicit the desired
response in Appleton. "Can't understand why you're getting shackled
then at all. You were the last one I ever expected to marry.
Especially after all your avowed denials."
    If only he could tell Appleton the truth.
But he could never allow his brother to learn the marriage was a
sham. "Have you not noticed Miss Pembroke's many excellent
qualities?" Gregory asked.
    "Course I have. I know of half a dozen
blokes whose heart she broke. It's just that you have never
been attracted to ladies ."
    "At least not until I was ready to set up a
house and all that," Gregory defended.
    "Never been so shocked as I was this
afternoon when Melvin informed me you was to wed. Thought he had
bats in his belfry. Told him so, too. Bet a pony he was wrong. So
of course I came straight away to your lodgings where Stanley
informed me you'd gone off to see Miss Pembroke at her hotel."
    "Sorry I missed you," Gregory said, wishing
like anything he could get Appleton off the subject of his
nuptials. Demmed well wished he could get them out of his
mind too and thoroughly enjoy his last weeks of utter freedom. Why
did Glee have to come a day early? "Say, after I take Miss Pembroke
home from the assembly, what say you we descend upon Mrs. Starr's
gaming establishment?"
    "I'm told the new dealer there's as fine a
looking bit of muslin as there is." Appleton winked. "Fair and
    "All the more reason to go," Gregory said
with a mischievous smile.
    "Go where?" said one of the twins who now
joined them. Gregory was fairly certain the speaker was Elvin.
Though the two with their Roman noses and prematurely receding dark
hairlines looked exactly alike, their facial expressions differed
vastly. Melvin was excessively shy and reticent while exuberance
marked his brother's manner. The twin addressing them was
undoubtedly exuberant.
    Gregory's gaze swept over his three
companions to settle on Elvin. "We go to Mrs. Starr's tonight after
this dull affair."
    Elvin's glance flitted to Glee, who was
still dancing. "Will your betrothed allow you such freedom?"
    So he had heard, too. Was there
anyone left in Bath who was unaware of his forthcoming nuptials?
"Of course she will, and my freedom shall extend to my married life
as well."
    Elvin mournfully shook his head. "Blackest
day in me life. Blanks bespoken for. Whatever shall we do?"
    Melvin nodded his agreement. "Dare say it's
a pity."
    Gregory shot his friends a stern look.
"Everyone here tonight has offered felicitations, except the three
of you."
    "Sorry," Melvin said. "Wish you all the best
and all that sort of thing."
    "Naturally we want the best for you,"
Appleton said. "That goes without saying."
    "'Tis just that we'll miss the good times
we've shared," Elvin said.
    "I've been telling Appleton that nothing has
to change just because I'm getting married. Miss Pembroke has no
desire to usurp my friends. She's a great sport. Says it's
perfectly acceptable with her that I continue on as I always have." It was the least she could do.
    "So the gel is to call the plays?" Elvin
    "Never," Gregory snapped. He was aware that
the orchestra had quit playing and looked to see Glee making her
way across the ballroom toward him.
    * * *
    If only I'd stayed in Warwickshire
another day , Glee lamented. Then she might not have learned the
sad news about Carlotta nor would she have had to endure Blanks's
wrath for robbing a day of his precious bachelorhood. He had been a
positive ogre since visiting her at the hotel late that afternoon.
Was he comparing her to Carlotta, bereft with disappointment that
she was not the lovely raven-haired widow? No doubt he was wishing
Glee to the devil.
    Were she truly benevolent, she would release
him of obligation to marry her. But she was not benevolent. And she
was as stubborn as he. Nothing would prevent her from marrying
Blanks and being given the opportunity to earn his

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