Omega Force 7: Redemption
person bidding on what could end up being a poorly kept Galvetic corpse. After another two rounds the other bidder, obviously quite angry, bowed out and stalked off.
    "Sold to the ... whatever you are," the auctioneer said. "The agreed amount will need to be paid in an accepted currency, ConFed Universal Credits included, and before you take delivery."
    "I have it on my ship," Jason said. "I can pay you when he's delivered to my cargo bay."
    "That's not how it works," the auctioneer said firmly. "You'll pay me here, and now, and then you can worry about how to get the body back to your ship." This put Jason in a serious bind since the amount of the winning bid far exceeded the total amount of money aboard the Phoenix . "I hope you did not bid an amount you have no means to pay," the auctioneer said ominously. In truth he was just another Watcher in a ridiculous suit and very obviously armed. At his tone, two more stepped forward and gave Jason a decidedly unfriendly look.
    "Of course he didn't," a voice said smoothly from behind him. "He was simply entering a proxy bid for me. I will be paying the full amount."
    "Of course, Saditava Mok, sir," the Watcher said, his tone shifting from aggressive to servile in an instant. "My apologies to your associate."
    "It's fine," Saditava said with a dismissive wave. "I'm sure you weren't hired here for your intelligence. Please speak to my bodyguard about securing payment."
    "What's this all about?" Jason asked suspiciously as the Watcher walked over to the bodyguard with a tablet to transfer the funds.
    "I told you," Saditava said with a smile. "I owe you a favor. This paltry sum is just one way I may repay that favor."
    "You must have inherited a fairly lucrative chunk of Bondrass's operation," Jason said, swallowing at the amount of money the gangster was tossing around like it was nothing.
    "You have no idea," Saditava said, still smiling. He reached into his coat and pulled out a thin data card. "Here, take this. There are various points of contact on there by which you can reach me should you ever need my help again."
    "Thanks," Jason said slowly, taking the card. He knew something like that didn't come without strings attached, but it would be rude not to accept it. "I'll keep that in mind."
    "Please do," Saditava said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I wish to return to the fights and I'm sure you would like to tend to your friend. Until we meet again, George Washington."
    "Sir, if you'll come with me I can show you to your prize," the now-respectful Watcher said as Saditava and his Korkaran guard departed.
    "Lead the way," Jason said as he and Lucky fell in behind the smaller being.
    They followed the Watcher down through a series of roughhewn corridors, the floors as smooth as polished marble from centuries of feet shuffling over them. The Watcher stopped at a security door and keyed it open, waving them through. Crusher still lay on the wheeled sled, his blood dripping steadily on the floor.
    "Here he is," the Watcher said without interest. "If your plan was to keep him alive you probably should hurry to your ship. I have to tell you though ... any plans you might have of using him as a soldier should be abandoned. He's killed seven Watchers since he was brought here, even after our ... enhanced ... security measures. You're better off killing this one, but if you let him live, never turn your back on him."
    "Thank you, that will be all," Jason said coldly, his hands beginning to shake as his anger built and his turbocharged adrenal response began to cloud his reason. Recognizing the signs, Lucky intervened quickly.
    "We would like to take the Galvetic warrior to our ship immediately," he said. "Do we use the same passage we came in through?"
    "No," the Watcher said, looking at Jason closely. "Go left out of here and all the way to the end of this corridor. Go right and then it's straight on from there to the security exit that will let you out onto the landing pad."
    "You have my

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