Last Promise

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Book: Last Promise by Scarlett Dunn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlett Dunn
the women at the saloon provide. I assume you go there to play cards.”
    George couldn’t stop coughing.
    â€œAre you quite okay?” It was all Mary Ann could do not to laugh at her uncle’s discomposure.
    Unable to speak, George nodded.
    She waited and watched as he sipped his tea.
    â€œThe women serve drinks.” He thought that response should appease her.
    â€œAnd what do they do upstairs?” she asked sweetly.
    â€œWell . . . they . . . ah . . . provide companionship with men that desire their . . . that sort of thing.”
    â€œCompanionship?” Is that what it’s called here in America?
    Once he composed himself, he wanted to find out the reason for her inquiry. “Why do you ask, my dear?”
    â€œWhen Luke was leaving the hotel that night, the women at the saloon were talking to him. They were on the balcony in their undergarments asking him to come upstairs. It seemed most inappropriate.”
    â€œYes, that behavior is most inappropriate, but they are not conventional young women. They haven’t had the benefit of education and family, so we must allow for that.”
    â€œHmm. They seemed to know Luke quite well.”
    â€œI’m sure they do. The men from all of the ranches go in to play poker most weekends. That is their form of entertainment.”
    â€œDo the women also offer him their companionship upstairs?”
    He saw no good end to this conversation, so he wanted to change course. “I don’t think that is for me to answer. Now, would you like to go out and see the house at the ranch? It is really coming along nicely.”
    â€œI would love to see it.” She didn’t mind the change of subject, she knew she was making him uncomfortable. As a matter of fact she was trying hard not to laugh. She was reminded of Luke’s discomfort when they discussed the saloon women.
    â€œWonderful. We will ride out there soon one morning so you can see where we will be living. You do still ride, don’t you?”
    â€œYes, I love to ride, but I didn’t bring my sidesaddle.” She’d considered adding her saddle to her trunk, but she didn’t have room.
    â€œNot a problem, I have one here somewhere I am sure.”
    * * *
    Luke wasn’t able to leave the ranch as early as he’d wanted to go meet the stagecoach, but he still hoped to have time to go to the hotel first to see if he might persuade Mary Ann to have lunch with him. He was pushing his horse to go faster when he saw two riders ahead of him. Recognizing one of the horses as belonging to George Granville, he figured the other person riding sidesaddle and wearing a blue hat with feathers had to be the very woman he wanted to see.
    When he caught up to them he slowed his horse next to Mary Ann’s. “Good morning, folks.”
    â€œWhy, Luke, what a nice surprise,” George said.
    Luke waited a beat to see if Mary Ann was going to say hello. Obviously not. “Were you out to see the ranch?”
    â€œYes, I was showing Mary Ann around. I was just telling her how helpful you and your brothers have been with my venture into cattle ranching.”
    Luke nudged his horse so close to Mary Ann’s that his thigh was actually touching her leg. He looked over at her. “How do you like George’s ranch?” Just as he expected, she was acting very cool. No doubt she was going to hold it against him for the behavior of the gals at the saloon.
    She made an attempt to get her horse to sidestep closer to her uncle’s horse, but the contrary animal wouldn’t heed the command. “It’s a beautiful place, and my uncle picked a perfect spot for his home.”
    Luke grinned at her attempt to move away. Maybe she thought he couldn’t get his horse to make the same move. He didn’t know how he was going to get back in her good graces, but he was determined to find a way. “George, I have to meet the stagecoach today, but

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