Last Promise

Free Last Promise by Scarlett Dunn

Book: Last Promise by Scarlett Dunn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlett Dunn
telegrams and letters over the last year, but now that he thought about it, he hadn’t heard from Sam in a few months.
    â€œIs she coming alone?” Colt asked.
    â€œIt sounds like it. I wonder why Sam isn’t coming with her. I don’t know her very well. I left for Wyoming right after they married.”
    Jake walked in and heard the last part of their conversation. “Maybe she got tired of old Sam and is looking for a new husband.”
    â€œNot likely. Sam’s a fine man and he’s not that old, mid-fifties. Besides, he has more than enough money to make up for his age.” Luke had heard talk among the ranch hands that Arina was marrying Sam for his money. She was an attractive young woman who could have had her choice of many younger suitors. It wasn’t much of a stretch to think Sam’s money was a factor in her decision-making. But that was none of his business, then or now.
    Luke was truly perplexed. He thought about sending a telegram to Sam, but if he was coming with his wife, they would already be on the way. And meeting the stage gave him a good reason to go to town in the middle of the week, and he could see Mary Ann again. He hadn’t seen her since the night they cooked together because he’d been busy at the ranch. Well, if he was totally honest with himself, ranch work wasn’t the only reason he hadn’t been back to town. Knowing Mary Ann had heard every word L. B.’s gals said to him that night, he expected she would give him a cool reception. Then again, he always did like a challenge.
    * * *
    George moved Mary Ann’s belongings to the third-floor private residence. For the first time they were enjoying a nice private dinner away from the hotel restaurant. “Mary Ann, I never dined up here until you arrived.”
    â€œWhy not? The quarters are lovely. I never expected anything as grand in a hotel.” He wasn’t exaggerating when he’d mentioned in his letters that his hotel was exquisite. Her bedroom was every bit as luxurious as the one she had at home, plus she felt much more relaxed here with her uncle.
    George looked around the room as though he’d never seen it before. “It always seemed too lonely, but now that you are here, we will do so much more often while the home is being built. We should invite guests, too.” He was thrilled to have his niece living with him. He’d left England several years ago, and this was the first time he had the opportunity to really get to know her. She was an amazing young woman, quick to learn everything he’d taught her about the hotel business, and she was particularly adept with mathematical calculations. “We could invite Luke. I haven’t seen him since the night he helped you cook.”
    Mary Ann had tried not to think about Luke after the last time she’d seen him. She’d started to second-guess her opinion of him that night, thinking she had misjudged him. Right up until they said good-bye. Then she saw those women at the saloon in their underclothes conversing with him. She may not have understood what those women did at the saloon when she was discussing it with Luke, but she was no longer in the dark. Listening to their comments to him that night, there was no doubt in her mind what type of entertainment they provided upstairs. Subsequently, she’d had ample time to observe the saloon women, and the many men coming and going. Her bedroom window faced the saloon, and she had seen and heard the men upstairs with the women on warm nights when the windows were open. She couldn’t have been more shocked. And to think they knew Luke well enough to speak to him on the street. He must have had a good laugh at her naïveté. Her first impression was right on target. He was a scoundrel. “Uncle, what exactly do the women at the saloon do?”
    George choked on his steak. “Pardon?”
    â€œI want to know what type of entertainment

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