Crystal Throne (Book 1)

Free Crystal Throne (Book 1) by D.W. Jackson

Book: Crystal Throne (Book 1) by D.W. Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.W. Jackson
sure that even if his whole hand was made of crystal he could still move it. That was what the enchanted stone he had made was supposed to do, but it seemed that it wasn’t slowing the effects quickly enough… it was still spreading too fast.
    Shaking the depressing thoughts from his mind, Thad pushed himself from where he sat and moved back to where the others waited. He found Humanius still looking out the same window he had been moments before. “How does it look?” Thad asked, moving up behind his friend.
    “They are moving slowly,” Humanius replied.
    “How can you tell?” Thad asked taking a peek out the window himself.
    “The scions have much more strength then the rest of the world. They are like a lighthouse to the captain of a ship. Though we can’t exactly tell how far away that beacon is, we can tell how fast it is approaching,” Humanius explained.
    “How long do you think we have?” Thad asked as he moved back from the window and cut his eyes over to where his son stood leaning against the door.
    “It is hard to say. If I knew how strong the scions were and how many of them there were, then I could better judge, but the truth is I don’t,” Humanius replied. “My best guess is that they will reach us between nightfall and morning, but I could be wrong and they could be here in the matter of moments.”
    “I think I will trust you and have a rest,” Thad said turning to move away when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning his head slightly, Thad looked at the knowing face of Humanius looking at him.
    “Is something wrong?” The god asked.
    “Nothing really,” Thad replied. “Just a bit tired is all.” Humanius let go of Thad’s shoulder and let him go, but Thad knew that Humanius didn’t believe what he had said, but didn’t want to push the issue and that was something Thad was grateful of. It wasn’t that he wanted to hide what was happening, but he wanted time to adjust before he tried explaining it…At least that is what he told himself as he moved off back toward the open area of the building to lay down his pack and spread out his blanket so that he could lay down for a few hours and find some solace in his own company.
    It might be best to talk to the god. He has lived a long time and I am sure that he knows far more than either of us about what is happening to you.
    “I know,” Thad replied to Thuraman, a bit more bite in his reply than he had intended. “I just need to clear my mind first,” Thad replied in a calmer tone after taking a few moments to sort out his anger.
    Time is one thing you might not have. You might not be able to tell, but more is changing than your body. I have seen you mad, confused, and calm. I have spent my life watching yours and you are not yourself now.
    “I know, but right now there is little that he could do about it,” Thad said as he covered his eyes with this arm and after a few hours drifted off to sleep.


    “They are getting close,” a voice said in Thad’s ear as he was shaken awake.
    As Thad’s eyes cleared, he noticed his son hunched over him, his face one of calm serenity. Seeing that his father was awake, Bren turned to move back into his position. Not knowing why, Thad reached out and took hold of his son ankle. “Wait,” Thad said as he pulled himself into a sitting position.”
    “Yes,” Bren said his voice as calm as his demeanor.
    “How are you doing?” Thad asked, unable to think of anything else to say to his son.
    “Father, right now is not the best time to catch up,” Bren said calmly. “Maybe after if we survive we can sit down to have a nice chat.”
    “That is just the point,” Thad replied. “We might not live past this day, and I don’t want to think that it ended without settling things between us.”
    “Father there is nothing to settle,” Bren said almost confused. “I am no fool. I know your leaving was not your fault and I hold no ill will to growing up without you.”

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