Have and Hold: (A Geeks and Things Cozy Mystery Novella #4) (Geeks and Things Cozy Mysteries)

Free Have and Hold: (A Geeks and Things Cozy Mystery Novella #4) (Geeks and Things Cozy Mysteries) by Sarah Biglow

Book: Have and Hold: (A Geeks and Things Cozy Mystery Novella #4) (Geeks and Things Cozy Mysteries) by Sarah Biglow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Biglow
empty as she made the short journey back to Geeks and Things. The shop felt almost lonely as she settled in behind the counter to do a cash count. She didn’t regret taking action to save Fiona. There was no way she could have sat by and let them hurt her further. She tried to understand what would motivate someone to start cutting off body parts of the people they loved but let the train of thought derail quickly. It was too disturbing to consider. She also couldn’t believe Beth was willing to throw away a career as a journalist just to get ahead in the business.

    The house had been tense for a few days after Fiona’s rescue but Kalina and Chris managed to reconcile. They were both just relieved that they weren’t receiving severed fingers in the mail any longer. It also didn’t hurt that Fiona was going to make a full recovery with a little physical therapy. At present, Kalina stood off to the side as AJ manned the register. His imposed time away was now over and she was even happier to have him back for many reasons, not least of which was because she was under strict orders not to touch anything. Jillian had meticulously done Kalina’s hair and nails for the wedding that afternoon and her sister would kill her if she messed them up.
    “I think that’s the last one,” AJ said as he shut the cash register and leaned on his elbows.
    Before Kalina could express her relief at the empty shop, the front door opened again and Fiona walked in. Her hand was bandaged but she looked better. A few days in the hospital had actually done her good.
    “I can handle this, kiddo. Go get ready for this afternoon,” Kalina said and stepped behind the register.
    AJ darted past her and out through the back of the shop. Kalina tried not to fuss with her hair and nails and Fiona rested her injured hand on the counter.
    “I just wanted to come by and thank you properly,” Fiona said.
    “You don’t have to do that. I’m just glad everything is going to be OK.”
    “I should have known something was off when Bruce kept pushing for me to accept his proposal.”
    “Not that it’s any of my business but can I ask why you didn’t?”
    “Marriage isn’t something I wanted. It’s just not part of my life plan. I thought he understood that.”
    “I’m sorry this happened to you.”
    “I’m just sorry you had to get dragged into it.”
    Kalina bit her tongue to keep from retorting that she’d jumped in with both feet. Over Fiona’s right shoulder, Kalina spotted a taxi cab. “So are you heading out of town?”
    “Yeah. I’m going to stay with my parents for a while. I’m thinking of moving out of state too. I know Massachusetts is a big place but right now it feels like everywhere I turn he’s there. I need a fresh start. I suppose it’s small comfort that Bruce is taking a deal. He’ll do some time and I don’t have to testify.”
    “Well, I hope things work out for you.”
    Fiona dabbed at the corners of her eyes to ward off tears. “Thanks. I should let you go. It looks like you have somewhere to be.”
    “I’m actually getting married today.” She couldn’t hide the wide smile or her nerves.
    “You’re going to make a beautiful bride.”
    Kalina stepped out from behind the counter and gave Fiona a firm parting hug. They walked out to Main Street and Kalina waved Fiona off as she climbed into the back of the cab and headed in the direction of the highway. Blowing out a breath to settle her nerves, Kalina made the trek to her parents’ house.
    In her effort to keep her hair and nails intact, she’d worked up a bit of a sweat on the way over. Her mother fussed over her as she changed into her dress. It was a simple dress with cap sleeves and a modest neckline. She hadn’t wanted to spend much on the dress even though her mother insisted she should get whatever dress she wanted. She fastened the emerald earrings into place and studied her reflection. Bruce Hempstead may have been

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