Dear Master

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Book: Dear Master by Katie Greene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Greene
    Then I waited, sat on the edge of my bed, my heart pounding and my head spinning. I must have felt almost every single emotion as I waited, Master: fear, excitement, lust, desire, terror, anticipation …
    When I heard the car’s horn piercing the silence I leapt my feet and raced through the living room.
    “Who’s that? You order a cab?” Kaitlyn asked from the sofa but I didn’t answer her, just ran out of the apartment and down the stairwell.
    I was surprised by how expensive looking the car was, Master. The shiny black Bentley looked so large and out of place on my street.
    The driver got out and held open the door for me and I slid myself into the plush leather interior, enjoying the feel of the cold leather seat against my bare legs.
    As we drove in silence, I tried to work out where we were going, but soon I was lost. All I knew was that this was a rich area, from the kinds of houses and apartment blocks we passed, and then all of a sudden we were entering a dim underground parking lot. From the other cars — all Mercs and Jags and Ferrari’s — I figured you had some money, Master, and perhaps that was why you had put me through my paces before meeting you, in order to make sure I was genuine, and not just after your money?
    The driver got out and held open the door for me.
    “This way,” he said, with no emotion in his face or voice.
    I followed him towards a doorway and then through into plain marble-floored room where he pushed a button for an elevator. As we waited, I could hear his soft, low breathing. I wondered if he found me attractive. I was such a slut, Master, I could’t help but think what it might be like to suck him, just for the fun of it.
    But then the doors swooshed open and we both stepped into the large, empty elevator.
    He put in a keycard then punched the buttons and the lift doors closed and we shot upwards.
    When the doors opened again, I was looking out onto an apartment, so stylish and plush it almost took my breath away. I never knew you would have such good taste, or be so rich, Master. It was a complete surprise.
    “Wait for him on the bed, on all fours,” the driver said, remaining in the elevator. “And put this on.”
    He held out a blindfold and I took it from him and nodded. Then the doors swished closed once more, leaving me alone in your apartment.
    I padded through the main room, marveling at the sheer size of your penthouse and drinking in your beautiful leather sofas and framed artworks and savoring the delicious expensive musk of leather.
    I stepped through into the bedroom, which was empty. I closed the door behind me, then climbed up onto the bed, as instructed, and tied the blindfold. Then finally, I positioned myself on all fours and waited.
    I waited a long time, Master, at least it felt like a long time.
    My whole body was trembling and I felt so young and vulnerable.
    I wondered just what was going to happen to me next.
    Even with all my new experiences behind me, Master, I still felt scared.
    I still didn’t know what might happen. 
    Just then, behind me, I heard the soft click of the door.
    Then footsteps.
    You were here. I could hear you step into the room, softly closing the door once more behind you.
    I heard you approach me from behind.
    You came up right behind me now, I could feel you there.
    I wondered what I must look like to you, Master: positioned on all fours, my ass pointing up at you, just the flimsy black cotton of my thong covering my most private parts, the blindfold tied tightly over my eyes.
    Just then I feel your hands on my butt, cupping my buttocks tightly. Your fingers felt hot and smooth as they stroked urgently over the toned curves of my ass. Then one of your hands slipped down between my legs, cupping my throbbing, tingling sex from behind. You began to stroke the cleft of my pussy and ass with your fingers, softly touching my pussy lips and clit, then stroking right up to my asshole too and back again, causing

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