The Amphiblets

Free The Amphiblets by Helen Oghenegweke

Book: The Amphiblets by Helen Oghenegweke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen Oghenegweke
somewhere else.
    When bizarre things started happening to the boys’ skin the Professor became increasingly worried. The first sign that something was wrong was when the boys started to itch. It was an annoying itch, which grew progressively worse throughout the day. The next morning their skin felt rough and dry. On the third day it began to peel off in large patches in a repulsive manner. Every morning, the boys woke to find great quantities of dry flaky skin covering their beds.
    Then the Professor received a telephone call from Peter Peed.
    ‘Young William is shredding his skin,’ Peter informed him. ‘I thought you should know in case it happens to the others.’
    ‘It already has,’ the Professor informed him. ‘I didn’t realise what it was at first.’
    ‘William was very ill for a number of days before he began to feel better,’ said Peter. ‘How are the other two coping without their brother?’
    ‘Fine,’ lied the Professor. ‘Just fine.’
    ‘Are you sure?’
    ‘Is there anything you wanted to ask about the boy?’
    ‘I … um … no,’ said the Professor. ‘He’s dead to us now. I will not cause more pain to my two remaining children. Life continues and people must move with it.’
    ‘Wise words,’ commented Peter Peed, with a hint of annoyance in his tone. ‘Well, I shall tell you anyway. William has taken longer to settle in here than I expected. I was in half a mind of whether to bring him back to you …’
    ‘No! You can’t!’ said the Professor quickly.
    ‘Why not?’
    ‘Because as I have already explained to you, he’s dead to us. I have told everyone that he died.’
    ‘What?’ There was a long pause on the other end of the phone. ‘That’s crazy! Absurd! Why the devil did you do that?’
    ‘Because I don’t want anything from you. Seeing Will with you would upset me. It’s best he makes a new life with you.’
    ‘Well, it didn’t have to be this way. You’ve made things very awkward for me. I hope you are happy with yourself.’
    ‘What was I meant to say?’ growled the Professor. ‘How could I have told them that I sold their brother?’
    ‘Because its the truth. If you can’t be honest with yourself, what kind of man are you? A coward? You have chosen to hide behind a wed of lies! It was your decision and like I said before – I hope you can live with yourself!’
    The Professor hung up abruptly and rubbed his forehead. He couldn’t help but groan in frustration, unaware of a looming presence lingering behind the door that moved quietly away.

Peter Peed
    Will’s first day in his new home was the strangest experience he could ever recall. He woke up feeling terribly groggy with his head pounding like a rumbling train. He opened his eyes and yawned. Realising that he did not recognise the room he was in, he sat up fast, thinking hard. But for all his questions, he had no answers. He frowned.
    ‘How did I get here?’ he thought, casting his mind back to the previous evening.
    Hugo had entered his room to give him that delicious mug of hot chocolate. Funnily enough, he couldn’t remember Hugo leaving. This left him wondering how he had been moved without his waking up. More to the point, who had moved him? And where was he? Whose house was this? Why was he there? Where was his family? Were they in this house as well? Of course, they must be here somewhere. He wouldn’t be here alone, surely.
    Despite his worries, the huge, square room was pleasing to the eye. Will liked what he saw; everything was so clean. The huge bed in which he had obviously slept was covered in gleaming white sheets, which shone in the dazzling light that slanted through a narrow gap in the long blue curtains.
    Will slipped out of bed. His bare feet tickled on contact with the soft, thick carpet as he wobbled with uncertainty towards a wooden chair a few feet away from the bed. There was a bag resting on it – his bag. Inside he discovered his clothes

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