Soul Broker

Free Soul Broker by Tina Pollick

Book: Soul Broker by Tina Pollick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Pollick
family, and I would rather see him dead then for him to be under your control.”
    He let her go and she smacked the floor with a thud, her face red, her abdomen sucking in and out. He watched as she took shallow gasps, as if trying to suck in as much air as she could. He stalked her every move. She was his prey. He took another step closer and she stood, clawing her way up the wall for support. “You almost killed me, you bastard!”
    “There won’t be an ‘almost’ next time.”
    She held her arm out in front of her. “Wait, we can discuss this.”
    “Okay, these are my terms. Release my son from his contract, and leave his family alone, forever.”
    “And I get to keep my life in return?”
    “Yes, I’ll let you live.”
    She brought her hand up to her neck and gave it a rub. “I’ll need to fill out some paperwork.”
    “Do what you have to do, but it better be done in fifteen minutes.”
    She edged over to the desk, pulled out a chair, and sat. “I can’t promise you I can complete it in that time frame.”
    “Good news then, I’m certain I can kill you in that time frame.” He stood behind her, bent down and ran his tongue across her ear lobe. “I almost hope you c an’t do it in fifteen minutes.”
    She pulled away. “I hope you rot in Hell.”
    “ You’re too late, I already am.”

    Mackenzie and Drew traveled through the thick jungle in silence. She wasn’t sure where they were headed, but hoped it was away from the three brutes tracking them. From what she had learned about Drew’s Master, she didn’t want to sentence anyone to a lifetime with her, but if the choice was Mackenzie’s life or theirs she wasn’t going to die so that they could live. Hell no.
    “How much longer?” Mackenzie whispered.
    “Longer for what?”
    Mackenzie took a step closer to Drew. “Until we get to wherever it is we’re going.”
    Drew pointed to the west where the sky was painted shades of pink and orange. A peak basked in the glow of the last rays of daylight. “We need to try and get there before dark.”
    “Are you kidding me?” Drew placed his fingers over her mouth, and she pulled away, lowering her voice. “Sorry. That’s a few miles and it’s going to get dark soon.”
    Drew turned and took a step forward. “Then we better walk faster.”
    She grabbed his arm and pulled him to a halt. “Can’t you do your travel thing?”
    He smiled. “I can if you want them to know exactly where we’re going.”
    “How will they know?”
    “All magic has a frequency, a sort of trail. Shifting leaves the same trail.”
    Drew grabbed her by the arms and pulled her close, forcing Mackenzie to look at him. “Do you think I would lead them to Sophie? I made several stops before we got to where I took her. They won’t be able to follow it. It’s harder to follow a trail that spans over long distances. Here on this island, there’s only so much confusing I can try and do, they’d find us sooner or later, and I’d rather it be later—much later, if ever.”
    Mackenzie pulled away from him. She wouldn’t allow him to see the momentary shame that filled her. She knew Drew wouldn’t let anything happen to Sophie. For some reason she did trust Drew, but right now Sophie was her first priority, and she wanted to finish this so she could get back to her. “I believe you. Let’s get moving. Hopefully your father is doing something to help our cause.”
    “I’m sure he is doing everything in his power to keep you and Sophie safe.”
    She headed toward the pink and orange sky to the west. She had a million questions for Drew. She wanted to know more about him. She wanted the information for Sophie. Yeah, that’s right, I need to find out more about him so I can tell Sophie about her dad. It’s definitely not because every time he touches me, my body threatens to burst into flames. I mean, it’s only been what, a few years since I’ve had sex? If the wind blew just right

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