Sail With Me (A Discovery Series Book)

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Book: Sail With Me (A Discovery Series Book) by Christy Major Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christy Major
participate in it as a girl. 
    What would Daniel’s reaction be to me as Charlotte? Would he still think
me Captain Denham’s absolutely breathtaking daughter?
    I resurfaced and pictured Daniel, dressed in finer clothes, asking me to
dance at some fancy ball. Not that I particularly liked fancy balls. Pure
silliness, but something about the image brought a smile to my face. I had
pictured Benjamin and me in a similar situation once or twice before, just for fun,
but it was hard to imagine us being like that. 
    Standing in waist deep water now, I crouched and leaned my head back to
resoak my cropped hair. Though I didn’t fancy my short cut, it did have its
comfortable advantages. Running my fingers through it now, it was practically
dry by the time my hands reached the ends.
    Boys had it so simple.
    Grabbing a smooth stone under the water with my foot and bringing it up
to my hands, I rubbed the stone along my skin in an attempt to further remove
two days of sailoring if only on land as of yet. Generally, I hadn’t thought
much of my appearance. I never went out of my way primping and fussing like
some of Southampton’s young misses. Most of the time I wore my hair in a long,
simple braid that fell down my back. My clothes weren’t adorned with jewels and
lace. Simple dresses made of practical, durable fabrics were what I usually
wore when working for Lady Elizabeth. I had fine dresses, most from my mother’s
collection. I never had occasion to wear them, though. Never wanted to see my
father’s face as he looked at me in the clothes my mother had worn.
    Reluctantly, I dropped the stone and waded out of the cloaked comfort of
the sea. Giving my hair another rustle, I shook the water out of it. I donned
my clean tunic and breeches. Dragging my dirty clothes to the water, I gave
them a vigorous washing. Soap was definitely needed but alas unavailable. A
thorough rinsing had to be better than nothing. I squeezed out the excess water
and still dripping on the sand, walked back to the misshapen pillow lying on
the ground. I picked it up and could not tolerate its odor. Making a quick
decision, I jogged back and plunged the pillow into the ocean. I could always
stuff some of Eric’s extra clothing I had brought under my tunic in place of
the pillow until it dried.
    I nearly dropped all my soaked but freshened belongings, when a voice
behind me said, “Charlie?”
    My head snapped up, my throat forgetting how to swallow for a moment.
    “Did you go for a swim?” Daniel emerged from the shadows of the trees.
    I didn’t have Benjamin’s cap to hide beneath. How long had Daniel been
watching? How much of me—the real me—had he seen?
    “I… uh… wanted to rinse off,” I stammered. “I told you I don’t swim.”
    “Why didn’t you take a dunk when we were all out here?” He came a bit
closer. “The water’s not always safe at night. Creatures and such.”
    “I’m not afraid of creatures.” I held my dripping clothes and pillow in a
tight ball at my chest, doing my best to cover myself.
    “I don’t suppose you are.” He stared at me, and I wished he would go
    “Why are you out here?”
    “I never sleep more than an hour at a time. More like cat naps throughout
the night.”
    I would have to remember this little tidbit about Daniel if I planned to
do any more sneaking around.
    “You never seem tired.” I edged past him, trying to be on my way without
being rude.
    “Cats are always ready for action.” He flashed a crooked smile at me.
    “I see. Well, good night.” I turned around and walked toward our tent.
    “Night, Charlie.”
    I glanced once over my shoulder to see Daniel lower himself to the sand.
He suddenly seemed small. Vulnerable.
    A cold chill rippled down my spine as a light breeze blew through the
camp. I tried to shake it off, but the feeling stayed with me all the way back
to our tent. I hung my wet clothes to dry on the low branches of a nearby
sapling and climbed into the tent.

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