Snow Time for Love

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Book: Snow Time for Love by Zenina Masters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zenina Masters
Tags: Fantasy, Paranormal, Magic, Adult, Erotic Romance, shapeshifter, fey
    “Does that matter?”
    Krisia smiled. “Ask me again in ten years. You are too young to appreciate it yet.”
    Iso scowled. “You are only five years older than I am.”
    Krisia winked. “Living with the guild master ages you.”
    Iso giggled at the joke at her cousin’s expense. “Well, I had better return this robe and get home to make that call.”
    “Still popping around naked?”
    “Yes. I still can’t figure it out.”
    “Hold still. I will send you home. Call Nova and give her the launch date, and let me know if anything goes squirrelly. Congratulations on getting the first volunteer.”
    Iso was about to reply to the congratulations, but Krisia sent her home. It was time to get a new phase of magical meet and greets underway.

Chapter Two
    Nova braced herself for the transport but staggered a little as she stabilized. It had been more painful the first time. The transport process really had changed.
    Teal rushed forward and hugged her. “Nova! I am so glad you have come back.”
    Tony grinned and waited his turn for a hug. He met her eye to eye and embraced her warmly. “We are so glad you are willing to try again.”
    “We will see. I have been wobbling on my eagerness to meet what I consider to be a new species. I am thinking of them as shifters. It might make it more palatable.” Nova smiled wryly.
    Teal smiled. “They are physically very attractive. Don’t worry about that portion of it. You just have to see if any of them can raise your beast in anything but a defence position.”
    “So, one of them has to get a rise out of me?” There was something funny about the idea that one of them had to give her an erection.
    “That is the way it works with shifters. I know you didn’t feel it on your last visit, but that is what happens. Your beast starts making happy sounds in your soul and you can imagine taking your mate down like a gazelle in the woods.”
    Nova covered her mouth as she laughed.
    “Have you ever seen one of the fey up close, Nova?” Teal guided her to the paperwork and showed her where to sign.
    The wristband went on, and she smiled at the small icon of a paw print. “Why is there a gemstone on it?”
    “That marks you as a woman they can court. They wear matching bands that will identify them to you as well.”
    The nervous thrill that went through her body surprised her. She had been through this before and the excitement had rapidly turned to depression. Other women, other predators had no problem finding their matches, but she would dance, chat and they would part unmatched.
    Now, it was an entirely new batch of men, and she was hoping that one of them would spark something other than disappointment. It was a lot to ask of a fey, especially when they had not been at the Crossroads before.
    “So, they are being tagged like we are. Good.” Nova shifted her pack and smiled.
    “They are getting the same treatment that the shifters get, but since they haven’t been here before, I have no idea how this is going to unfold.” Tony scowled.
    “Is there a fey representative installed here?”
    Teal grinned. “Teebie. She has been designated as the one to call on.”
    “I didn’t ask. Where am I staying?”
    “The Bright Soul Bed and Breakfast. It is just the Open Heart expanded, but Dira decided that it needed a new name.” Teal made a face. “Once she got out of her dragon form, that is. That was a month of fun, I can tell you.”
    “Can I just head out there or do I need the tour.”
    Tony rubbed the back of his neck. “A few things have changed, including the Meditation Centre.”
    Nova looked around and blinked in surprise. She had been so fixated on her own purpose that she had neglected to look around when she arrived. “Holy smokes.”
    Where the modest Zen-like interior had once been was now a series of landing sites like the one she had appeared in. Three spaces were now visible, and the centre of the roof was now open to the skies.

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