Greek Billionaire's Blackmailed Bride (The Rosso Family Series, #1)
hadn’t told her parents anything about this marriage—how could she call them and ask them to be here when it was all just pretend?
    With a groan, she headed for the bathroom, her head starting to pound and her stomach in knots. At the least she could soak in the tub for a half hour. Maybe that would help.
    It didn’t. The jets at least eased the tension in her back, but as she dried herself, she had to admit that it felt wrong to have agreed to this fake marriage. Even for just a month. Or maybe it was because it was only for a month. If she closed her eyes, she could feel Antonio’s hands on her—she could hear his voice. Her pulse picked up and her skin tingled. He’d been wonderful these past few days—but he’d also been distant. And she couldn’t decided if she appreciated his restraint or if she wanted to throw him to the ground and jump his bones.
    She shook her head and started to brush out her hair.
    If she didn’t marry Antonio today, he’d need to find another girl to marry—and fast. And that might not go so well. At least she and Antonio had gotten over the past and were becoming something like friends. She had to admit, too, that the thought of being with him for a month was more than tempting. She couldn’t help but think about that day in the dressing room. His hands had been so strong—so certain. He’d made her feel...special. She wanted that again. She wanted to feel his body against hers again—she wanted to hold him. But if she did, was she going to fall for him? How could she share his bed and not end up sharing her heart?
    She’d tossed and turned most of last night, trying to figure out what it was she really wanted. Antonio—or her own life? She was pretty sure if she married him for real, she’d end up being his shadow. He was as forceful a personality as his father had been—how could she hold out against that? And how could she just up and move here to Greece? Even with the recording studio he’d built for her, she knew her career would change—might possibly even end. People would start to think of her as Antonio Rosso’ wife, not as Claire Bennett.
    Wrapping a huge bath towel around her, Claire headed back into the bedroom. Maybe after the wedding, she’d be able to focus better.
    The wedding was to take place right before lunch here at the Rosso estate. She was glad they weren’t doing a traditional Greek wedding in a church—saying her vows that way would make her feel worse than bad. Only Antonio’s closest friends, his sisters, Dareios, some of his relatives and a couple of her sound recording friends would be here. Steve and George had arrived, with their wives—and they’d been having a great time, vacationing more than working. She was just glad she wouldn’t have to try and fool masses of people. Although Antonio had warned her to expect a ton of photos to hit the tabloids—the paparazzi would be using telephoto lenses and maybe even helicopters to get wedding shots.
    And Gaia—as well as the rest of the staff—had been working hard not just to prepare for the wedding, but sending Claire sly glances and smiles.
    If I don’t see anyone before the ceremony, I might actually hold it together!
    But a knock on her door told her she wasn’t going to get away with that plan.
    Alexandra opened the door and came in with a tray. She had on a high waisted, sky-blue dress that emphasized her dark good looks. Claire also recognized the Greek version of biscotti, koulourakia , on the tray which Gaia made with raisins, cinnamon, and orange rind. She could also smell the strong Greek coffee, which Alexandra took honey sweet, or what the Greeks called, glykys.
    Tightening her towel, Claire said, “You didn’t have to bring up breakfast. Now I feel horrible that you had to bother.”
    Alexandra grinned. “We can’t have you fainting this afternoon because you’re starving.” She put down the tray and picked up her coffee. “Are you excited? Nervous?”

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