The Chaos Order (Fanghunters Book Three)
they’re planning on inoculating people pretty soon.”
    Vincent frowned. “But, I was under the impression Eddie was the only one who knew the formula. And he’s in our hands.”
    Trixie shrugged. “Somehow they got the formula,” she said, chagrin stamped all over her face, “or they had it all along. And they were already in production mode. Looks like the Blood Order were looking to build an army of vamps and subsequent fangheads. Take this Great Unveiling thingy to the next level.”
    Vincent’s jaw dropped. “So, that’s Benedict’s game. He wants the Ambrosia factory Leviah had set up. I wonder if the Chaos Order have any aspirations for Ambrosia.”
    Trixie shrugged. “Probably.”
    They turned back to the TV to watch more footage of fighting.
    “Chicago is in disarray,” Vincent stated. “Flooding, snakes, cartel gangsters. It’ll be in total lockdown in mere days.”
    “Where are the snakes coming from?” Dom asked.
    Vincent shook his head. “I don’t know. Well, I’ve got a good idea.”
    “What’s that?”
    “Magdalena. She’s the head vampire of the Chaos Order.”
    “She? You mean a chick?”
    “God, you’re so sexist!” Trixie said with disgust.
    Dom shrugged. “What did I say?”
    “Yes, Dom. She’s a chick,” Vincent said with a sigh.
    “I was under the impression all the children of this Count Mordor cat were male,” Dom stated.
    “Moroz,” Vincent corrected. “And no, they’re not all male. Magdalena is very much female, but not human I’m afraid. Now, the snakes have to be of her doing.”
    “How do you know?”
    “She has an affinity with them. A lot of it is legend, but to cut a long story short, Magdalena is locked away in a secret location somewhere in Central and South America that very few know of. In an ancient Mayan temple known as the Temple of Snakes.”
    “Oh, brother,” Trixie lamented, rubbing her forehead. “Not more of this stuff.”
    “Hey, I’m trying to listen,” Dom said to her. “Carry on, Vincent.”
    Vincent sighed. “It’s okay, myth and legend are not important right now. I’m almost certain the snakes are her doing and are fighting for the Chaos Order.”
    “Are you trying to tell me that the Chaos Order and this Magdalena chick have sent the snakes on purpose as a type of weapon?” Dom asked, hardly believing what he was saying.
    “That’s precisely what I’m telling you.”
    Dom nodded. “Okay. That’s cool,” he said, showing Vincent his palms. Man, this guy’s nuts! Dom thought to himself, looking away.
    “There’s only one way to stop this,” Vincent then said. “Magdalena must be destroyed. Only that will end the Chaos Order and put a stop to this madness.”
    “We’ll go right away.” Trixie said.
    Vincent frowned. “But, you’re not well enough to go, my dear.”
    “I’m okay.”
    “He’s right, Trixie,” agreed Dom. “Look at your hands.”
    She glanced down at her bandaged hands, then slung them down by her sides. “They’re okay. They’ll heal in a few days, and I’ll be right as rain.”
    “I wouldn’t mention rain,” said Dom.
    Vincent shook his head. “No, no, I’m worried about you, Trixie.”
    “We’ve gotta do something, Dad. Quick. We’ll have to hunt down this Magdalena before we can do anything anyway. That might take days if not weeks.”
    “It’s a good point,” Dom said with a shrug.
    Vincent sighed. “And how do you feel?” he asked Dom.
    Dom nodded. “I’m feeling ready for the next round.”
    “Come on, Dad,” Trixie pleaded, “we’re young and healthy. We can handle it.”
    Vincent nodded. “The virtues of youth, eh? It’s been a long time for me.” He paused. “I suppose we don’t have any choice do we? Chicago is descending into chaos fast, and it will only get worse.”
    “And it is what we do,” Trixie reminded him.
    “Yes. Yes it is.” He sighed. “But, there’s something else you’ll need to

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