
Free Incriminated by M. G. Reyes

Book: Incriminated by M. G. Reyes Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. G. Reyes
shuddered awake. She felt a firm hand on the curve of her shoulder, rousing her. She blinked, bleary-eyed. “Ari?”
    â€œYou were dreamin’, honey. You were Charlie again.”
    Lucy gave a low groan. “Oh for pity’s sake.” How long would she be haunted by the memory of that night at the Hollywood party? It was almost as though her subconscious was prodding her to take action.
    â€œYou’re still getting the dream, huh?” Ariana said sadly. She leaned against Lucy, easing herself onto the bed alongside her friend, stroking her hair. “The one where you see the woman with the fancy manicure drowning someone?”
    â€œJust shadows,” Lucy said, lying. Ariana’s interest in her “Charlie” memories was already kind of morbid. The last thing she wanted was to encourage it.
    She sat up, still feeling groggy. What was Ariana doing up in Lucy’s bedroom? Candace’s bed was empty. She glanced at the clock on her nightstand. It was 9:20—way too late to go to school without a killer excuse.
    Puzzled, she stared for a moment at Ariana. She’d puton a little weight since Lucy had last seen her. It suited her. Her pale, lightly freckled face was already made up, hair already tied back in a neat, high ponytail. Ariana’s hair was still her favorite pale-raspberry color; although the natural shade of mousey-brown was showing at the roots. When Ariana wasn’t looking, Lucy stole a glance at her friend’s arms. There didn’t seem to be any new signs of needles. She seemed calm, too. Less jittery than you’d expect for someone who was going through the early days of withdrawal. Her story wasn’t adding up. Maybe Ariana had another reason to visit? Something even more personal—something that she’d confess only after the two girls had reestablished their old bond of trust?
    Lucy reached for her cell and called school to say she was sick. It would probably get her in trouble long-term, but she hadn’t used the tactic for weeks. Sometimes the suckiness of school got ugly. When that happened, she just had to take a day off, no matter what. But at least she didn’t have to petition her college president mother for every sick note, so there was that. Anyhow, there were only four days left in the school year. Even the teachers were barely hanging on at this stage.
    Ariana waited until Lucy got off the phone to speak. “Why don’t I fix breakfast for you. How about pancakes?”
    Lucy feigned enthusiasm. “Sounds good. But you should let me cook; you’re my guest.”
    Ariana hugged her briefly. “You’ve been so nice. I could see your friends weren’t too happy about letting me stay. Ifeel bad, making trouble for you.”
    â€œThey’re just surprised, that’s all,” Lucy replied, getting out of bed. “I hadn’t told anyone about you. I don’t talk about my life back in Claremont, at least, no more than I have to. And they didn’t know I’d been in rehab.”
    Ariana followed her out of the bedroom and down the stairs. “I kind of totally ratted you out to your roomies, didn’t I?”
    â€œYeah and by the way, thanks for that,” Lucy replied snarkily. As they arrived in the living room, she noted with approval that the futon had been folded back up into a sofa. The bed linen was gone and Ariana’s suitcase was neatly tucked between the futon and the sofa.
    â€œOmigod, Lucy. Your face!” Already in the kitchen, Ariana was sweeping toast crumbs from the countertop with her bare hands. She sniggered helplessly. “I’m sorry, but if you could have seen your facial expression, you’d understand. You looked like your mom did that time when she came to visit you in rehab and we snuck out . . . remember?”
    Despite herself, Lucy found a grin working its way to her mouth. “Yeah. I remember.”
    â€œShe may be the dean or

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