ROMANCE: Stepbrother Crazy Seal (Bad Boy Navy Seal Billionaire Stepbrother) (New Adult Alpha BBW Menage Contemporary)

Free ROMANCE: Stepbrother Crazy Seal (Bad Boy Navy Seal Billionaire Stepbrother) (New Adult Alpha BBW Menage Contemporary) by WANDA EDMOND

Book: ROMANCE: Stepbrother Crazy Seal (Bad Boy Navy Seal Billionaire Stepbrother) (New Adult Alpha BBW Menage Contemporary) by WANDA EDMOND Read Free Book Online
    “I don’t understand where they could be.” She nearly cried as her voice cracked with worry.
    “They’ll be fine,” He hissed sarcastically, “I’ll bet Matt’s found her by now and they are off somewhere together.”
    Elena paused to ponder his strange comment, “What was the fight about?”
    Daemon looked up, frantically thinking of an excuse that would work, “Our children are having a wild love affair behind our back.”
    “You’re sure about this?” Elena’s eyebrows raised in amusement, a smile breaking onto her face.
    “What’s so funny?” Daemon snapped, “That’s her step-brother.”
    “Only by marriage,” Elena rolled her eyes, “and a new marriage at that.”
    “So what are you saying you approve of this?” Daemon folded his arms angrily.
    “Love has a funny way of bringing two people together dear,” She sighed and smiled brighter, “And it can happen in the most unexpected of ways. Let them be for now, we will worry about the technicalities later.”
        Elena knew her husband’s history and had kept in the back of her mind that there was a good chance their marriage wouldn’t last. Why spoil our children’s chances. She agreed with her decision. Daemon fell silent, knowing there was no sense in arguing with her, especially when the news was taking the heat off him and his whereabouts that afternoon. Elena’s phone buzzed and she breathed a sigh of relief. The message was from her son Matt, and he had found her. They were safe and staying in a hotel till morning.

Chapter 12
         The two returned to the hotel the following morning to find Elena and her father waiting anxiously in the dining hall. Kelsey ordered breakfast and ate as if she hadn’t seen food in weeks while the other’s looked on in surprise. Her father, unable to keep eye contact, clearly had been up all night from the redness around his eyes. He cleared his throat to get the family’s attention.
    “There’s a fair going on down by the docks,” He announced, “We are all headed there after breakfast for a day of good old fashioned fun before we head out.”
    “Head out?” Kelsey’s eyes rose from her meal, “Another stop?”
    Without looked at her he nodded, “I have rented us a quaint little cottage in the south of Italy, near a vineyard, for the last week of our trip. The jet leaves tonight.”
        Though she would be sad to see Paris and her shopping spree go, the romance of Italian vineyards sounded like a relaxing change of pace from the bustle of Paris city life. A life she had seen far too much of the night before on her lost adventure. She finished her meal and soon the group was headed by taxi once more up the road. The car was silent as it sped along, the tension in the air was so thick between them that she could almost feel it. Even Elena seemed to eye her suspiciously, yet said nothing the length of the drive. The fair came into view, with a huge Ferris wheel jutting out from the tents below and Kelsey couldn’t help but feel a bit of child-like excitement as they neared. I haven’t been to a fair since I was a kid. She giggled to herself, her laughter filling the quiet space. Elena gave her a warm smile. The taxi screeched to a halt and the group headed into the crowd, each hoping that the fun-filled day would lighten the solemn mood between them. Her father purchased their tickets and the four wandered around the fairgrounds together, Matt bravely pulling Kelsey close to him and holding her hand. Elena eyed them smiling and said nothing. The first stop was a small petting zoo, filled with exotic animals from around the world. Kelsey admired each one, pausing to watch the monkeys as they played and wrestled with one another in the cage. She stroked the back of a goat and it seemed to love the attention. She let out a giggle as it nudged her for more as Matt watched her playful, a wide grin on his face.
    “Who wants to ride the Ferris wheel?” Elena called out

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