Diablo Blanco Club 2, Under Control

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Book: Diablo Blanco Club 2, Under Control by Qwillia Rain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Qwillia Rain
base, and since both were nearly an hour north of town, he needed to leave now if he was going to make the appointment he‟d set with his CO.
    It still pulled at his mind, the similarities between the feelings generated when he‟d taken Aimee and those he‟d shared with Ben the night before. Could they be a warning, a hint that he shouldn‟t count on the control he‟d regained?
    He knew his strength, his capabilities, and the thought of losing control, of not maintaining hold of his emotions, his temper, and using them against someone he loved… He shuddered.
    “Won‟t happen,” he tried to reassure himself.
    But you did before.
    Refusing to allow himself to dwell on that memory, Vance scanned the room one last time to make sure he hadn‟t left anything. Not trusting himself to keep from waking Ben, Vance hesitated near the door. His gazed fixed on the quiet rise and fall of Ben‟s chest. He couldn‟t help but grin at his mussed blond hair. It stuck up in spikes or was pressed flat to his skull, making Vance‟s fingers itch to smooth it out.
    He shifted his feet, debating taking the few steps that would carry him to the bed when the watch on his wrist vibrated reminding him what little time he had left.
    “ Tell him ,” Aimee‟s voice whispered in his mind.
    Qwillia Rain
    He ignored her and turned to the table beside the door. With the memory of Aimee chiding him, he scribbled a quick note to Ben before slipping out of the room and down to his truck.
    Ben rolled over. His arm reached for his lover but found Vance‟s side of the mattress cold and empty. Easing onto his elbows, he glanced toward the windows. The sun had crested the horizon while he slept. He groaned at the bright sunlight snaking through the narrow opening between the suede panels and across the floor toward the bed. His groan only increased in volume as he flopped back onto the pillows and rummaged on the nightstand, searching for his abandoned watch. His eyes were squeezed tightly shut in denial of the morning.
    Glancing at the watch, he cursed at the time and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He headed for the open door of the bathroom. “Damn, V, why didn‟t you wake—” His complaint echoed in the empty room.
    It only took him a few minutes to use the toilet and wash his hands, but in that time, Ben scanned the area around him and the room beyond. The towels from the previous night were neatly folded and stacked for the housekeeper to collect. Back in the bedroom, as he tugged on his boxers, slacks, and shirt, he shook his head, trying to ease the knot at the base of his skull. The tension made his movements harsh and jerky.
    He sensed there was more to Vance‟s absence than any “morning after” nerves.
    The whip and cuffs were set inside the designated container for cleaning. Nothing of Vance‟s remained behind. He‟d even taken the half-empty bottle of scotch with him.
    Trepidation raised the hair on the back of Ben‟s neck as he pulled out his cell phone and dialed, first the other man‟s apartment and then his cell. There was no answer at either.
    The beep of his watch brought another profanity to his lips as he headed for the door. He didn‟t have time to waste. His shift at the hospital was due to begin in just over an hour, and he had to get ready.
    Diablo Blanco Club: Under Control
    Beneath the key on the table beside the door, he spotted a folded piece of paper with his name scrawled on it. Picking it up, he pocketed the key and read the contents of the letter. The crisp, neat lettering confirmed that Vance wrote the note, but the words inside had his belly clenching in disbelief.
    Had to check in at Camp P. Meeting with CO.
    Despite whatever happens, I want you to know I don’t regret what happened between us last night.
    I hate that I caused her pain, but I made a promise to her.
    I love you,
    “Son of a bitch!” Ben reread the note. He couldn‟t figure out what the hell Vance was

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