365 Days

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Book: 365 Days by KE Payne Read Free Book Online
Authors: KE Payne
14 April
    Tried Hannah’s phone again today but it was still off. I felt really disappointed when it went straight through to voicemail, ’cos I’d psyched myself up to talk to her again and I could practically already hear her voice in my head as I was dialling her number. I like to think about the sound of her voice ’cos then I can picture her in my head and I really like the feeling it gives me.
    Okay, so why’s she not answering? I really wanna talk to her, just wanna hear her voice.
    Sunday 15 April
    Hannah’s phone still off. Haven’t heard a word from her since Wednesday. I hope I haven’t pissed her off or anything. I wondered whether either Ems or Caroline or maybe even Matty might have her home number, but I didn’t want them to ask me why I was so keen to get through to Hannah. Maybe they wouldn’t think anything of it, but I don’t want to take that chance!
    I miss her.
    Monday 16 April
    Hannah rang me this morning! I tried to sound really laid-back but inside I was jumping with joy! I mentioned (casually, like) that I’d been trying to call her and she told me her phone had broken, that she’d just been out to buy a new one, and that she was testing it out on me to make sure it worked okay!! All that worry for nothing! Sometimes I think I’ll be grey by the time I’m 20 with all the worrying I do.
    She said her new phone had an awesome camera on it so I told her to take a photo of herself and send it to me (I don’t know why I said that!). She said she would! Then she said she had to go to the supermarket with her mum, but would I like to go over to her house tomorrow? Of course I said yes! She rang off, but not before saying that she was looking forward to seeing me tomorrow, which was sweet of her.
    About five minutes after our conversation, my phone beeped and there was a photo of Hannah poking her tongue out at me on my screen. I had, like, this major OOOOMG moment but reminded myself that my parents were downstairs so switched my phone off to stop myself from looking at Hannah’s picture all the time.
    Went downstairs and helped Dad plant some onion sets in the garden, but my mind was constantly on the picture on my phone.
    Tuesday 17 April
    Looked at Hannah’s picture before I went to bed last night and went to sleep feeling ever so slightly naughty! The fact that I had this reaaaallly weird dream about her kinda proves that too!
    In this dream, Hannah was a vampire, dressed head to foot in black, and I wanted to tell her how fit she looked but I was too shy. She had these little fangs, like dripping with all this blood, and I was scared but really turned on at the same time by the sight of her. Anyway, just at the point when I thought she was either going to kiss me or bite my neck (like vampires do) I heard all this running water and thought it was my blood, but it was Dad having a wee out in the loo which must have woken me up. Felt soooooo strange when I remembered what I’d just been dreaming, and I felt kinda freaked out all day ’cos of it. It didn’t help when I went over to Hannah’s and had lunch with her and her mum and her little brother Joe, either.
    It was, like, sooooo weird sitting at their table eating with them, knowing that about eight hours earlier I’d been dreaming about her trying to bite my neck!!! Anyway, today was the first time I’d met some of her family, and they’re all really nice. Her mum’s great! She has a look of Kathy Bates (post- Misery ) about her and a laugh that could start avalanches in Japan. She’d made scones and put them out on little paper doilies on a plate. We don’t use doilies in our house except at Christmas; Mum says kitchen roll is quite sufficient for 51 weeks of the year.
    Hannah’s got, like, this huuuuuuuuge trampoline in her garden. It’s got to be at least 100 feet across. It can take three people at a time, so we had a jump on it this afternoon with Joe.

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