365 Days

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Book: 365 Days by KE Payne Read Free Book Online
Authors: KE Payne
He’s only eleven and quite small for his age. I was worried about jumping too hard in case I pinged him off the trampoline and straight over their neighbours’ wall. We had such a laugh on it! Hannah showed me this trick where you jump, land on your front, then flip onto your back, then up to a standing position.
    I had to try reaaaallly hard not to watch her jumping up and down ’cos I didn’t want her thinking I was a perv or anything like that, but it was sooooo fucking hard not to stare at her jiggling up and down in front of me.
    Hannah’s obviously practised and done the trick before ’cos she was flipping back and forth like a dolphin. Me? I jumped, landed on my back, and floundered there like an injured pigeon caught up in netting until Hannah stopped laughing and flopped herself down next to me.
    We lay there, side by side, and I felt really happy just being with her. I wanted to touch her but I knew I couldn’t, and that was reaaaally tough. She was, like, right next to me, within touching distance and I could practically feel the heat coming off her. It took everything I had in me not to touch her hand or stroke her cheek. We were lying facing each other, like, inches apart. If I’d had my way I would have lazed with her like that all day, right next to her, taking in every single detail of her gorgeous face, but Joe was standing over us, threatening to slam-dunk us if we didn’t move within the next two seconds. Shitty little brothers, hey??!!
    Such a fabulous day.
    Wednesday 18 April
    Had another rude dream about Hannah last night!!! God, she’s on my mind, like, 24/7 right now!! I dreamt we were at her parents’ house and her parents were out and we were sitting in her dining room doing a jigsaw when she looked at me and said, ‘I could fall for you in a big way, Clementine Atkins,’ just as I was putting the last piece of the jigsaw in. I was busy looking at the completed jigsaw when she came and sat on my lap and started running her hands through my hair and kissing my neck!!!! Then her dog walked into the room wearing a pair of swimming trunks and started doing Scottish dancing while Donald Trump played the bagpipes and, of course, I immediately woke up!!
    Hannah texted me around mid-morning and asked me if I wanted to go to town with her but I was still reeling from the dream and thought it best not to see her, so I told her Mum wanted me to do some chores round the house. I felt bad about lying, so I did some dusting while I watched MTV and didn’t feel quite so guilty.
    Thursday 19 April
    Dad went back to work today, so he was in a foul mood this morning. FFS! Why do adults moan so much about having to go to work? I don’t think they realise how hard it is for us teenagers, not only having to cope with raging hormones, but having to put up with the day-in, day-out grind of school, erm, 40 weeks of the year! [/indignant/].
    Friday 20 April
    Met up with Ems, Caroline, Matty, and Hannah in town for our last day of freedom before Monday. I was quite glad that Ems, Caroline, and Matty had come out with us ’cos I’m still freaked out over my latest naughty Hannah dream.
    I don’t think I said much to Hannah. She asked me if I was okay ’cos I was so quiet. I smiled and said I was just a bit tired ’cos Barbara woke me up to go out for a pee at six o’clock (I’m turning into an accomplished liar) and she smiled and said, ‘as long as you’re okay.’ She carried on looking at me just a bit too long for my liking, and I could feel my heart starting to pound, so I looked away. She has such nice eyes! Brown, like pools of chocolate that I just want to dive into and devour.
    She’s so nice looking, and so sweet, and funny. It struck me as I was walking home from town, still thinking about Hannah, that I haven’t thought about J for weeks now. So, if one good thing has come out of this—at least I seem to be getting over J.

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