The Secret Bunker Trilogy: Part One: Darkness Falls

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Book: The Secret Bunker Trilogy: Part One: Darkness Falls by Paul Teague Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paul Teague
in a performance, each
step carefully devised and planned. To make sure it moves carefully to the crescendo, the plotted course,
the final outcome.

It was no random thing that they happened to be in this place at this
time. But when they’d first met, neither of them had a family, it had genuinely felt like a random meeting back then. He now had Trudie and the kids.
She had Mike, David, Harriet, Dan and Nat … Not Nat.
Nat had died.
But it was almost a lifetime ago for both of them.
So much was different since then.
So much water under the bridge, so many changes.
    An apparent chance meeting that had been working up to this reunion
all these years later. What could have made this event so important, that it was so crucial
right now? It made no difference to either of them at this moment.. He was unable to recognise her because of the device implanted in his
neck. She was unaware in the terrible darkness beyond the bunker blast
gates that she and her young companion were even being watched.
    Yet what was it that linked these two people so inextricably that it
should be crucial to world beyond the bunker that they met once
again at this place, inside this bunker? If they had met each other again under normal circumstances, they
would have worked it out straight away. It was those terrible events that they got caught up in whilst they were
both serving in the Army.
    Ordinary people for an extra ordinary job.
The future of humanity no less. The problem with the ‘high achievers’ is that they tend to be too good brilliant - at only one thing.
They spend hours, days, months and years honing their skills,
ridiculous amounts of time mastering every element of their
profession and they become masters. But in becoming exemplary at one thing, they lose their focus and
skills in many other areas. And that’s what he needs right now, for this mission.
    Sure, these recruits need to be fit, bright, sharp and intelligent.
But they also need to be average.
Not just any kind of average though.
They need to be the very best at being average. Being average means that you can do many things to an average
standard. One minute you can be fit, the next you can be intelligent.
You can pivot from that to being an average problem solver, an
average technical operator or an average work colleague.
Yes, in this scenario average at all things is exactly what he needs.
    Because this mission has never been thought of before, let alone
attempted, and even he cannot anticipate what skills, challenges and
problems lie ahead. So in this scenario, average is about as good as it’s going to get.
    He was used to being pretty impartial about his work. He knew it had to be done, most of the time it was just surveillance or
moving people from one place to another. But this was something else. He had not been responsible for the car swerving.
His hands were off the wheel, the car took over the minute that was
detected by the sensors. The car’s internal computer knew to adjust speed, maintain distance
from kerb, scan for all life forms and ‘anticipate’ other vehicles.
It could ‘recognise’ double yellow lines, ‘Stop’ signs, ‘Give Way’ road
markings and even a school crossing attendant. And this was a military grade vehicle.
    While commercial organisations made a big deal about driverless cars
and how they were ‘the future’, they were wasting their time, the
Military had been onto this concept for many years. If it works with drones, it works with cars.
‘Military’ might not be the right word to use though. It was definitely ‘Military-like’, it felt governmental and it was
definitely top secret.

But he wasn’t quite sure who he worked for.
And that didn’t matter to him before he - before his car - hit that child. But it’s all he’d thought about since then.
He was no killer.
    He had no instructions to kill on that day.
He’d been unable to stop it, just forced to look into the eyes of one

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