Web of Deceit
entrance doors. Behind him follow Sarah’s parents, a sweet,
gentle couple in their late fifties. Forgetting her usual controlled demeanor,
she leaps out of her chair and races toward the entrance.
    *   *   *
    Elliot opens his
arms to reach for her.
    Beth continues
past Elliot and approaches the older couple with open arms and tears streaming.
    Elliot spins
around to find Sarah’s parents comforting Beth. “Edwin,” Elliot extends a hand
to greet Sarah’s father.
    Edwin’s bright
blue eyes are filled with kindness and tears as he pushes out a short yet
friendly, “Hi.”
    A petite woman
stands next to Edwin with salt and pepper hair. Her hazel eyes are brimming
with tears as she reaches to embrace Elliot with her free arm. “I’m so glad you
two are here,” Elizabeth says.
    *   *   *
    More than an hour
passes when finally a doctor comes through the set of double doors. “Are you
with the accident victim?”
    “Yes,” Beth
replies without hesitation.
    “I’m Dr. Jamison.
We have given her a preliminary examination. There is no evidence of internal
bleeding or broken bones yet. The results of the CT scan will be available
within another hour or so. We’ll know more then.”
    “Will she be
alright?” Elizabeth asks.
    “It’s too early to
tell,” the doctor says honestly.
    “What aren’t you
telling us?” Beth cross-examines him.
    The doctor pauses
a moment. “We did a sternal rub. She didn’t respond.”
    “And that means?”
Beth’s irritation fills the room.
    “She’s in a coma.”
    Beth’s irritation
vanishes and her face whitens.
    “Dear Lord, please
be with Sarah,” Elizabeth prays aloud. After a moment she asks, “When can we
see her?”
    “We will know more
with further testing,” the doctor says, “But it’s too early to tell for sure.
She needs a few stitches, and we need to make sure she is stable before moving
her to a room.”
    “Make sure it’s a
private room. I’ll pay for what her insurance won’t cover,” Beth says. “She’ll
need enough room for her parents to stay with her at all times if they want. Be
sure she gets the best. Money is no object. Do you understand?”
    Clearly not
intimidated by the attractive redhead with a bank account, the doctor starts to
say, “I won’t guarantee anything …”
interrupts and extends her hand to the doctor. “Thank you so much for all
you’re doing for our daughter, Dr. Jamison.”
    “As soon as we
know more, we will let you know immediately.”
    As the doctor
leaves through the double doors, Elizabeth takes Beth by the arm. “While I
appreciate what you are doing, you know that Sarah wouldn’t want special
treatment.” Elizabeth puts her arm around Beth and pulls her close.
    “But, what if …?”
    “I realize this
must be bringing back some bad memories for you. But, I assure you, God is in
control. Nothing will happen that isn’t part of his plan.” Elizabeth leads Beth
to the seats where Elliot and Edwin are waiting.
    “Forgive me if I
sound disrespectful, Elizabeth, but how can I believe he has a plan if I’m not
so sure I believe there even is a God?”
    “That is a good
point, my dear, and we’ll talk more about God when you are ready.”
    Beth sits down and
picks up the clipboard to finish the forms. “What is Sarah’s religion?” Beth
asks aloud, pausing at the question on the form.
    “She doesn’t have
one,” Edwin says as he smiles.
    Realizing where
Sarah gets her hidden sermons, Beth refuses to open her mouth.
    Elliot bites. “OK,
we all know Sarah has a religion, so what do you mean?”
    Edwin obliges. “In
the New Testament of the Bible it talks in several places about the body of
Christ. Well, the body of Christ is made up of all his children. Sarah believes
it is easy to get caught up in religion and forget about loving and following
Christ. Part of her ministry is to attend services at several of the churches
connected to the homeless shelters where she

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